Controlled oil exposure study to evaluate the effects of south Louisiana crude oil CEWAF exposure on Florida pompano health and reproduction. Data include total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (tPAH) results for exposure solutions, pompano livers, pompano whole bodies, and pompano eggs, and VOC results for exposure solutions of F0 generation adults after six-month recovery/maturation period and spawning.
Suggested Citation:
Wetzel, Dana; Sherwood, Tracy; Medvecky, Rebecca; Miller, Christelle. 2019. Total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon results for CEWAF-exposed Florida pompano reproduction. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7RJ4GX5
Data Parameters and Units:
Exposure Tank Descriptions and Spawning Tank Description worksheets: Tank ID, Start and End date (mm/DD/YYYY), Treatment, Number of Fish.
Sample Key worksheet: MML, Matrix, Field ID, Tank ID, Collected date (mm/dd/yyyy), Collected time, Organism Species, Comment.
CEWAF Prep worksheet: Start and End Dates (mm/dd/yyyy), Carboy, Oil (g), Corexit (g), Volume Water (L), Treatment, Amt Stock Soln (L), Amt Seawater (L).
tpAH_Tank Water worksheet: MML, Treatment, Spike #, Tank, Sample Date (mm/dd/yyyy), TPH concentration (ug/L), MDL (ug/L)
tPAH_Liver worksheet: MML, Tank, Sample Date (mm/dd/yyyy), Treatment, TPH concentration (ng/g), MDL (ng/g).
tPAH_Eggs worksheet: MML, Tank, Sample Date (mm/dd/yyyy), treatment, MDL (ng/g).
VOCs worksheet: Analyte, Concentration (ug/L, Qualifier, MML, Tank.
Tissue samples were surrogated with naphthalene d8, acenaphthene d10, phenanthrene-d10, chrysene-d12, perylene d12 and extracted via EPA method 3545 using a Dionex ASE300, then concentrated to 10ml in DCM for analysis. Water samples were surrogated with naphthalene d8, acenaphthene d10, phenanthrene-d10, chrysene-d12, perylene d12 and extracted via EPA method 3510, and concentrated to 1mL in DCM for analysis. PAHs were analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode using a 0.25 um film thickness, 0.25 mm I.D., and 30 m length capillary column. One microliter of sample was injected at 60ºC, held for 1.5 minute. Temperature was then increased to 325 ºC at a rate of 8 ºC/ min, and held for 3 min.