This dataset presents droplet distribution (latitude, longitude, depth) and characteristics (density, diameter, composition based on 19 pseudo-compounds) over time (two months). The origin of the droplets is the trap-height between the near and far field of the DHW, and results correspond to one hour of oil flux. Data were obtained using newly developed modules of the Connectivity Modeling System (CMS, Paris et al., 2013, oil citation), which allows for the coupling of near field model output, so complex oil droplets can be used for the modeling. This simulation receives as input the fields from the TAMOC model, simulating the flow from the DHW wellhead on May/2/2010, at 0:00hr. Oil droplets are advected through the water column by using output the hydrodynamic model GoM-HYCOM (https://hycom.org/data/goml0pt04/expt-20pt1), from May/2010 to August/2010. These results are essential to improve the hindcast of oil dispersal along the water column.
Data Parameters and Units:
Oil droplet distribution (latitude, longitude, depth), and characteristics (density, diameter, composition based on 19 pseudo-compounds). The CMS output ASCII files are labeled according to the pseudo-compound (particle) type, 1 through 19, i.e., file1.txt through file19.txt. The particles were released from the near-field to the far-field in one hour on May 2, 2010; particles were tracked for 2 months. Different number of particles were released depending on the pseudo-compound type. Each output ASCII file consists of 12 columns, containing the following data: Column 1: Particle pseudo-compound type (integer) Column 2: Particle number (integer) Column 3: Time in seconds since the particle release (integer) Column 4: Longitude (degrees east) of a particle location Column 5: Latitude (degrees north) of a particle location Column 6: Depth of a particle location (meters, positive) Column 7: Cumulative distance traveled by the particle from the release location (km) Column 8: Exit code (0= particle is active; negative numbers – particle no longer active and exited by different reasons). Column 9: Particle release date (Julian date) Column 10: Particle density (kg/m^3) Column 11: Particle diameter (m) Column 12: Total oil mass released from the near-field to the far-field within the time (dt) per particle (kg). The time dt is one hour.
The input data for the CMS simulations, including the particle types and mass fluxes for each type, were obtained from the near-field plume simulation with TAMOC (Texas A&M Oilspill Calculator). The oil is assumed to be treated with the chemical dispersant (Corexit), and contains 19 pseudo-compounds, as shown in Table 1 supplied in the README.pdf/README.docx file in the zipped archive. Droplet size distribution (DSD) from the TAMOC data varies from 50mkm to 1.6mm. In CMS simulations, particle sizes within each pseudo-compound type are uniformly distributed within a corresponding DSD range. Range boundaries are determined as mid-way between the neighboring pseudo-component types. Table1. Names and diameter types of the 19 pseudo-compound particle types, corresponding to the oil treated with the chemical dispersant. Data received from the TAMOC near-field model for the Deepwater Horizon oil simulation. Type, Component name, TAMOC diameter for each type (m), ---------------------------------------------------- 1, Methane, 5.0000 e-5, 2, Ethane, 8.7968 e-5, 3, Propane, 1.7754 e-4, 4, i-butane, 2.6748 e-4, 5, n-butane, 3.5764 e-4, 6, iC5, 4.4791 e-4, 7, nC5, 5.3822 e-4, 8, C6, 6.2856 e-4, 9, C6-C7 aromatic, 7.1730 e-4, 10, C6-C7cycloalk, 8.0611 e-4, 11, C8 aromatic, 8.9414 e-4, 12, C9 aromatic, 9.8205 e-4, 13, C10-11 PAHs, 1.0719 e-3, 14, C7-C9, 1.1631 e-3, 15, C10-C12, 1.2546 e-3, 16, C13-C15, 1.3461 e-3, 17, C16-C21, 1.4383 e-3, 18, C22+, 1.5302 e-3, 19, CO2 (carbon dioxide), 1.6223 e-3