Suggested Citation:
William Patterson, Kristen Dahl. 2017. Diet Analysis of North Central Gulf of Mexico Demersal Shelf Fishes, March 2015-December 2016. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7PR7TCQ
Data Parameters and Units:
WPatterson NFWF Diet Data GRIIDC.xlsx: USA number (unique sample number), Lat (latitude, decimal degrees), Long (longitude, decimal degrees), Date of Capture (date of sample collection, MM/DD/YYYY), Gear [sampling gear type: trawl (bottom trawl), HLN (hand line), sabiki (hook and line), BLL (bottom long line), spear (spearfishing with SCUBA)], Species (fish species sampled), Common Name (common name of fish sampled), FL (fork length, mm), TL (total length, mm), Mass (kg), Notes (notes on stomach contents), Prey Taxa (lowest level prey identification), Prey Family (fish family name), Prey Category (functional prey groupings), Number (prey number), Mass (Dry) (prey dry mass, g) WPatterson-USA Barcoding Data.xlsx: Number, Sequence ID in submission (Sequence ID), Isolate (identification or description of the specific individual from which sequence was obtained), Collected by (name of person/s who collected the sample), Collection date (DD-MMM-YY), Lat_Lon (latitude longitude in decimal degrees where sample was collected), Country (origin of samples), Identified by (all person/s who aided in identifications), Isolation source (description of local geographical source of the organism from which the sequence was obtained), Host (When the sequence submission is from an organism that exists in a symbiotic, parasitic, or other special relationship with some second organism, the 'host' modifier can be used to identify the name of the host species), Tissue type (type of tissue from which sequence was obtained), Type (type of organism from which sequence was obtained), Sequence number, Sequence bases, Fish ID, Consumer species name, Consumer common name, Consensus BP, HQ%, % Grade, Sequence length, Best match, Common name, Level of ID, Species not in GOM, Barcode ID, Bold verified, No improvement from BOLD, Oddball species Genetics data are available at GenBank ( through accessions KY936460 - KY936821.