Benthic macrofauna samples from the northern Gulf of Mexico were collected with multi-corers on research cruises during 16 September - 30 October 2010, 23 May - 11 June 2011, and 29 May - 28 June 2014. Organisms were identified taxonomically and their abundance was determined. Taxonomic richness, diversity, and evenness were calculated. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) were conducted to determine, if abundance, richness, and diversity varied significantly between impact and non-impact zones (as defined by Montagna, P.A., Baguley, J.G., Cooksey, C., Hartwell, I., Hyde, L.J., Hyland, J.L, Kalke, R.D., Kracker, L.M., Reuscher, M., and Rhodes, A.C.E. (2013) Deep-sea benthic footprint of the Deepwater Horizon blowout. PLoS ONE 8(8): e70540. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070540) or between the different sampling times.
Data Parameters and Units:
Design worksheet: Station name, Treatment Zone (TRTzone, impact or non-impact), Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Water Depth (m), Distance from the DWH wellhead (wellhead, km), Distance from the nearest oil seep (Seep, km), Impact zone based on Montagna et al. 2013, either 1 2 3 or 4 Data-Analyzed worksheet: Station name, Year sampled, Date sampled (DDMMMYYYY), Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Water depth (m), Distance from the DWH wellhead (wellhead, km), Distance from nearest oil seep (Seep, km), Impact zone based on Montagna et al. 2013 (either 1,2,3, or 4), Replicate (R) and Core (C) number as R-C, Abundance (n/m^2 to a depth of 10 cm), Richness (R, n taxa/sample), Diversity Shannon (Hprime, Hprime/sample), Evenness Pielou (Jprime, Jprime/sample), Diversity Hill N1 (N1, N1/sample), Log abundance (ln_nm2, Ln(n+1/m^2) to a depth of 10 cm), treatment zone (TRTzone, impact or non-impact) Data-Sections worksheet: Station name, Date sampled (DDMMMYYYY), Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Water depth (m), Impact zone based on Montagna et al. 2013 (either 1,2,3, or 4), Year sampled, Replicate (R) and Core (C) number as R-C, Section depth (cm), Abundance (nm2, n/m^2 to section depth), Richness (R, n taxa/sample), Diversity Shannon (Hprime, Hprime/sample), Evenness Pielou (Jprime, Jprime/sample), Diversity Hill N1 (N1, N1/sample), Log abundance (ln_nm2, Ln(n+1/m^2) to section depth), Treatment zone (TRTzone, impact or non-impact) MacroANOVA worksheet: Analysis of variance tables for macrofauna abundance and diversity MacroSummary worksheet: Row number, Station name, Sample year, Distance (treatment zone, impact or non-impact), Zone (Impact zone based on Montagna et al. 2013 (either 1,2,3, or 4), _TYPE_ (type of summary statistic group number), _FREQ_ (number of samples in group), Abundance mean (nm2, n/m^2 to depth of 10 cm), Abundance standard error (stderr_nm2), Log abundance mean (ln_nm2, Ln(n+1/m^2) to section depth, Log abundance standard error (stderr_Ln_nm2), Richness mean (R, n taxa/sample), Richness standard error (stderr_R), Diversity Hill N1 mean (N1, N1/sample), Diversity Hill N1 standard error (stderr_N1), Diversity Shannon (Hprime), Diversity Shannon standard error (stderr_Hp)