Nearfield Plume Hindcast of the Deepwater Horizon blowout from April 2010 to July 2010 using the Texas A&M Oilspill Calculator: Bent Plume Model
Number of Cold Storage Files:
Cold Storage File Size:
1.12 TB
File Format:
netCDF, txt, py, csv
Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems II (C-IMAGE II)
Scott A. Socolofsky
Texas A&M University / Zachry Department of Civil Engineering
Nearfield plume, near-field plume, near field plume, Deepwater Horizon, hindcast, Bent plume model, Deepwater Horizon wellhead
The data set is developed as a part of the simulations that carried out for the Hindcast of Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill from 2010-04-22 to 2010-07-14 in the Gulf of Mexico. Model simulation results included in the data are from the near-field plume model in the Texas A&M Oilspill Calculator (TAMOC) that can be used to simulate under water oil and gas blowout plumes. The plume model namely the Bent Plume Model (BPM) is used for the simulations. Simulations are done hourly from 2010-04-22 to 2010-07-14 . Model input data are saved in “Input” folder in netcdf and .csv formats, and model results are saved in “Output” folder in netcdf format. The tools for reading and post processing of model results are included in the TAMOC modeling suite, which can be freely downloaded from Release fluid composition and parameters needed as input to the model are saved in the .csv files according to the format needed in the TAMOC modeling suite to read the data. Ambient data used are extracted from (in the DWH directory) for a location in the Gulf of Mexico close to the Deep Water Horizon spill location. They are saved in the folder Input/NOAA according to the format used as input to TAMOC. Each ambient data file is corresponding to each hour of simulation starting from 2010-04-22, 00th hour to 2010-07-14, 23rd hour. The simulations are carried out for the whole time duration: once with the conditions and dispersant treatment (Treated Simulations) schedule observed at the DWH spill site and another simulation set is carried out for the whole duration without considering the dispersant treatment thorough out the spill (Untreated Simulations). The Treated Simulations results are saved in the folder named DWH_Hindcast_TR and the Untreated Simulation results are saved in the folder named 'DWH_Hindcast_UT'. Each hourly model results is saved as “” where M- Month, D – Day, H – Hour, Loc - Location (No = 1 – Plume leaked at the kink before the riser cut off on 2010-06-03, Loc = 2 – Plume at the end of the fallen riser, Loc = 3 – Plume at the well head after the riser cut off on 2010-06-03) and if disp = TR, Plume is treated with dispersant and if disp = UT plume is not treated with dispersants. The model predictions at the plume termination for both Treated and Untreated Simulations are then provided to Connectivity Modeling System (CMS) developed at University of Miami to carry out the far field simulations. The model Output data that is provided the CMS model are saved in the folders named 'Input_CMS_Final' and saved in folders named 'DWH_Hindcast_TR' and 'DWH_Hindcast_UT' for treated and untreated plume simulations respectively. File naming is '' where M, D, H, Loc, No, and disp are same as above and P stands for the phase of the particle and Liq- liquid and Gas - gas phase.
Suggested Citation:
Socolofsky, Scott A.; Dissanayake, Anusha. 2017. Nearfield Plume Hindcast of the Deepwater Horizon blowout from April 2010 to July 2010 using the Texas A&M Oilspill Calculator: Bent Plume Model. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7F47M4Q
These data provide initial conditions to farfield models (e.g., the Connectivity Modeling System, CMS, or the Lagrangian TRANSport model, LTRANS). These data are also important to specify the initial conditions of the subsurface plume and to help interpret chemistry measurements made during the Deepwater Horizon accident.
Data Parameters and Units:
The following are all of the model input parameters for the dataset: Parameter = x; :long_name = "particle x-coordinate"; :standard_name = "x"; :units = "m"; Parameter = y; :long_name = "particle y-coordinate"; :standard_name = "y"; :units = "m"; Parameter = z; :long_name = "particle z-coordinate"; :standard_name = "z"; :units = "m"; Parameter = ParticleID; :long_name = "Particle ID"; :standard_name = "ParticleID"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = mass_fraction; :long_name = "compound mass fraction"; :standard_name = "mass_fraction"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = vol_fraction; :long_name = "compound volume fraction"; :standard_name = "vol_fraction"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = density_compounds; :long_name = "pure compound density"; :standard_name = "density_compounds"; :units = "kg/m^3"; Parameter = part_flux; :long_name = "particle number flux"; :standard_name = "part_flux"; :units = "s^(-1)"; Parameter = mass_flux; :long_name = "mass flux of different compunds in each particle "; :standard_name = "mass_flux"; :units = "kg s^(-1)"; Parameter = diameter; :long_name = "particle diameter"; :standard_name = "diameter"; :units = "m"; The following are all of the ambient NOAA data parameters: Parameter = time; :long_name = "Time profile was collected"; :standard_name = "time"; :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00"; :calendar = "julian"; :axis = "T"; Parameter = lat; :long_name = "Latitude of the profile location"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :axis = "Y"; Parameter = lon; :long_name = "Longitude of the profile location"; :standard_name = "longitude"; :axis = "X"; :units = "degrees_east"; Parameter = z; :long_name = "depth below the water surface"; :standard_name = "depth"; :units = "m"; :axis = "Z"; :positive = "down"; :comment = "extended"; :valid_min = 0.0; // Parameter = :valid_max = 1550.0; // Parameter = :_ChunkSizes = 524288; // int Parameter = temperature; :comment = "extended"; :long_name = "Absolute temperature"; :standard_name = "temperature"; :units = "K"; :coordinates = "time lat lon z"; :_ChunkSizes = 524288; // int Parameter = salinity; :comment = "extended"; :long_name = "Practical salinity"; :standard_name = "salinity"; :units = "psu"; :coordinates = "time lat lon z"; :_ChunkSizes = 524288; // int Parameter = pressure; :comment = "extended"; :long_name = "pressure"; :standard_name = "pressure"; :units = "Pa"; :coordinates = "time lat lon z"; :_ChunkSizes = 524288; // int Parameter = wetlab_fluorescence; :long_name = "Wetlab Fluorescence"; :standard_name = "wetlab fluorescence"; :units = "kg/m^3"; :coordinates = "time lat lon z"; :comment = "extended"; :_ChunkSizes = 11124; // int Parameter = density; :standard_name = "density"; :coordinates = "time lat lon z"; :comment = "extended"; :long_name = "Density"; :units = "kg/m^3"; :_ChunkSizes = 11124; // int Parameter = oxygen; :standard_name = "oxygen"; :units = "kg/m^3"; :coordinates = "time lat lon z"; :comment = "extended"; :long_name = "Oxygen"; :_ChunkSizes = 11124; // int Parameter = nitrogen; :long_name = "Nitrogen"; :standard_name = "nitrogen"; :units = "kg/m^3"; :coordinates = "time lat lon z"; :comment = "extended"; :_ChunkSizes = 11124; // int Parameter = ua; :long_name = "Ua"; :standard_name = "ua"; :units = "m/s"; :coordinates = "time lat lon z"; :comment = "extended"; :_ChunkSizes = 11124; // int Parameter = va; :long_name = "Va"; :standard_name = "va"; :units = "m/s"; :coordinates = "time lat lon z"; :comment = "extended"; :_ChunkSizes = 11124; // int The following are all of the model output parameters for the dataset: Parameter = x0; :long_name = "Initial value of the x-coordinate"; :standard_name = "x0"; :units = "m"; Parameter = y0; :long_name = "Initial value of the y-coordinate"; :standard_name = "y0"; :units = "m"; Parameter = z0; :long_name = "Initial depth below the water surface"; :standard_name = "depth"; :units = "m"; :axis = "Z"; :positive = "down"; Parameter = D; :long_name = "Orifice diameter"; :standard_name = "diameter"; :units = "m"; Parameter = Vj; :long_name = "Discharge velocity"; :standard_name = "Vj"; :units = "m"; Parameter = phi_0; :long_name = "Discharge vertical angle to horizontal"; :standard_name = "phi_0"; :units = "rad"; Parameter = theta_0; :long_name = "Discharge horizontal angle to x-axis"; :standard_name = "theta_0"; :units = "rad"; Parameter = Sj; :long_name = "Discharge salinity"; :standard_name = "Sj"; :units = "psu"; Parameter = Tj; :long_name = "Discharge temperature"; :units = "K"; :standard_name = "Tj"; Parameter = cj; :long_name = "Discharge tracer concentration"; :standard_name = "cj"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = Ta; :long_name = "ambient temperature at the release point"; :standard_name = "Ta"; :units = "K"; Parameter = Sa; :long_name = "ambient salinity at the release point"; :standard_name = "Sa"; :units = "psu"; Parameter = P; :long_name = "ambient pressure at the release point"; :standard_name = "P"; :units = "Pa"; Parameter = track; :standard_name = "track"; :long_name = "SBM Status (0: false, 1: true)"; :units = "boolean"; Parameter = dt_max; :long_name = "Simulation maximum duration"; :standard_name = "dt_max"; :units = "s"; Parameter = sd_max; :long_name = "Maximum distance along centerline s/D"; :standard_name = "sd_max"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = t(t=292, 1); :long_name = "time along the plume centerline"; :standard_name = "time"; :units = "s"; :axis = "T"; :n_times = 292; // Parameter = :_ChunkSizes = 1, 1; // Parameter = Parameter = q(t=292, ns=2023); :long_name = "Lagranian plume model state space"; :standard_name = "q"; :units = "Parameter"; :_ChunkSizes = 1, 2023; // Parameter = Parameter = particle_type; :long_name = "dispersed_phases Particle type"; :standard_name = "particle_type"; :units = "0: Single, 1:Plume, 2:Bent plume particle"; Parameter = issoluble; :long_name = "solubility (0: false, 1: true)"; :standard_name = "issoluble"; :units = "boolean"; Parameter = isair; :standard_name = "isair"; :long_name = "fluid is air (0: false, 1: true)"; :units = "boolean"; Parameter = isfluid; :units = "boolean"; :long_name = "Fluid status (0: false, 1: true)"; :standard_name = "isfluid"; Parameter = iscompressible; :units = "boolean"; :long_name = "Compressibility (0: false, 1: true)"; :standard_name = "iscompressible"; Parameter = calc_delta; :units = "boolean"; :long_name = "Calculate delta (-1: false, 1: true)"; :standard_name = "calc_delta"; Parameter = extern_data; :long_name = "External chem database (0: false, 1: true)"; :standard_name = "extern_data"; :units = "boolean"; Parameter = fp_type; :long_name = "fluid phase (0: gas, 1: liquid, 2: solid)"; :standard_name = "fp_type"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = rho_p; :long_name = "particle density"; :standard_name = "rho_p"; :units = "kg/m^3"; Parameter = gamma; :long_name = "API Gravity"; :standard_name = "gamma"; :units = "deg API"; Parameter = beta; :long_name = "thermal expansion coefficient"; :standard_name = "beta"; :units = "Pa^(-1)"; Parameter = co; :standard_name = "co"; :long_name = "isothermal compressibility coefficient"; :units = "K^(-1)"; Parameter = sigma_correction; :long_name = "interfacial tension reduction factor (--)"; :standard_name = "sigma_correction"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = delta_groups; :standard_name = "delta_groups"; :units = "nondimensional"; :long_name = "group contribution method delta groups"; Parameter = m0; :long_name = "initial mass flux"; :standard_name = "m0"; :units = "kg/s"; Parameter = T0; :long_name = "initial temperature"; :standard_name = "T0"; :units = "K"; Parameter = K; :long_name = "mass transfer reduction factor"; :standard_name = "K"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = K_T; :long_name = "heat transfer reduction factor"; :standard_name = "K_T"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = fdis; :long_name = "dissolution criteria"; :standard_name = "fdis"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = t_hyd; :long_name = "hydrate formation time"; :standard_name = "t_hyd"; :units = "s"; Parameter = nb0; :long_name = "initial bubble number flux"; :standard_name = "nb0"; :units = "s^(-1)"; Parameter = nbe; :long_name = "number of bubbles following plume element"; :standard_name = "nbe"; :units = "count"; Parameter = lambda_1; :long_name = "bubble spreading ratio"; :standard_name = "lambda_1"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = integrate; :long_name = "Particle status (0: false, 1: true)"; :standard_name = "integrate"; :units = "boolean"; Parameter = sim_stored; :long_name = "Tracking state (0: false, 1: true)"; :standard_name = "sim_stored"; :units = "boolean"; Parameter = farfield; :long_name = "Farfield simualtion (0: false, 1: true)"; :standard_name = "farfield"; :units = "boolean"; Parameter = tp; :standard_name = "t"; :units = "s"; :long_name = "time"; Parameter = xp; :standard_name = "x"; :units = "m"; :long_name = "x-coordinate"; Parameter = yp; :long_name = "y-coordinate"; :standard_name = "y"; :units = "m"; Parameter = zp; :long_name = "z-coordinate"; :standard_name = "z"; :units = "m"; :axis = "Z"; :positive = "down"; Parameter = te; :long_name = "particle exit time"; :units = "s"; :standard_name = "te"; Parameter = xe; :long_name = "particle exit x-coordinate"; :standard_name = "xe"; :units = "m"; Parameter = ye; :long_name = "particle exit y-coordinate"; :standard_name = "ye"; :units = "m"; Parameter = ze; :long_name = "particle exit z-coordinate"; :standard_name = "ze"; :units = "m"; :axis = "Z"; :positive = "down"; Parameter = M; :long_name = "molecular weight"; :standard_name = "M"; :units = "kg/mol"; Parameter = Pc; :long_name = "pressure at the critical point"; :units = "Pa"; :standard_name = "Pc"; Parameter = Tc; :long_name = "temperature at the critical point"; :standard_name = "Tc"; :units = "K"; Parameter = Vc; :units = "m^3/mol"; :long_name = "molar volume at the critical point"; :standard_name = "Vc"; Parameter = Tb; :long_name = "boiling point"; :standard_name = "Tb"; :units = "K"; Parameter = Vb; :units = "m^3/mol"; :long_name = "molar volume at the boiling point"; :standard_name = "Vb"; Parameter = omega; :long_name = "acentric factor"; :standard_name = "omega"; :units = "nondimensional"; Parameter = kh_0; :long_name = "Henrys law constant at 298.15 K"; :standard_name = "kh_0"; :units = "kg/(m^3 Pa)"; Parameter = neg_dH_solR; :units = "K"; :long_name = "negative of the enthalpy of solution / R"; :standard_name = "neg_dH_solR"; Parameter = nu_bar; :long_name = "specific volume at infinite dilution"; :standard_name = "nu_bar"; :units = "m^3/mol"; Parameter = B; :long_name = "diffusivity model coefficient B"; :standard_name = "B"; :units = "m^2/s"; Parameter = dE; :long_name = "diffusivity model coefficient dE"; :standard_name = "dE"; :units = "J/mol"; Parameter = K_salt; :long_name = "Setschenow salting out correction for solubility"; :standard_name = "K_salt"; :units = "m^3/mol";