These data are a wind, wave, and cooling forced simulation of two fronts in the upper ocean. The fronts are initialized in thermal wind balance. These are snapshots from the simulations analyzed in Hamlington et al. 2014, Smith et al. 2016, and Suzuki et al. 2016.
Suggested Citation:
Baylor Fox-Kemper, Peter Hamlington, Luke Van Roekel, Nobuhiro Suzuki. 2017. Large Eddy Simulation snapshots of multiscale frontal spindown simulations. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7R49P5J
Data Parameters and Units:
Sample netcdf header netcdf StkOn_d02_h20_m06_s33 { dimensions: x = 4096 ; y = 4096 ; zu = 128 ; zw = 128 ; time = 1 ; variables: double x(x) ; x:units = "meter" ; double y(y) ; y:units = "meter" ; double zu(zu) ; zu:units = "meter" ; double zw(zw) ; zw:units = "meter" ; double time(time) ; time:units = "second" ; double u(zu, y, x) ; u:units = "m/s" ; double v(zu, y, x) ; v:units = "m/s" ; double w(zw, y, x) ; w:units = "m/s" ; double temperature(zu, y, x) ; temperature:units = "K" ; double SGS_TKE(zw, y, x) ; SGS_TKE:units = "m^2/s^2" ; x, y = distance zu = vertical location of u-velocity at cell center points zw = vertical location of the w-velocity at bottom of each cell u, v, w = seawater velocity components temperature = potential temperature SGS_TKE = subgrid modeled turbulent kinetic energy File List 5.9T used in 1 directory, 76 nc files, 1 txt file R4.x265.241.0003-files/ └── [4.5K] R4.x265.241.0003-ReadMe.txt └── [5.9T] bfoxkemper ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d02_h20_m06_s33.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d02_h22_m58_s36.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h01_m49_s24.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h01_m49_s37.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h04_m39_s59.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h04_m40_s43.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h07_m27_s14.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h07_m28_s21.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h10_m09_s58.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h10_m10_s32.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h12_m51_s24.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h12_m56_s46.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h15_m39_s33.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h18_m23_s12.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d03_h21_m05_s40.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d04_h02_m38_s46.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d04_h02_m38_s59.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d04_h05_m28_s09.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d04_h08_m13_s28.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d04_h11_m00_s36.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d04_h13_m47_s49.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d04_h16_m36_s13.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d04_h19_m22_s58.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d04_h22_m11_s24.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h00_m57_s27.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h00_m57_s35.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h03_m41_s48.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h06_m25_s28.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h09_m06_s41.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h11_m52_s50.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h14_m38_s21.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h17_m26_s46.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h20_m08_s38.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d05_h22_m44_s24.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d06_h01_m21_s22.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d06_h04_m02_s33.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d06_h06_m43_s29.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d06_h09_m19_s30.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d06_h11_m58_s52.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d06_h14_m33_s30.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d06_h17_m07_s19.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d06_h19_m48_s04.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d06_h22_m26_s21.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d07_h01_m01_s21.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d07_h03_m43_s00.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d07_h06_m25_s56.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d07_h09_m03_s00.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d07_h11_m45_s28.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d07_h14_m28_s18.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d07_h17_m13_s16.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d07_h19_m58_s05.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d07_h22_m45_s14.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d08_h01_m22_s22.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d08_h04_m00_s16.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d08_h06_m42_s31.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d08_h09_m28_s57.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d08_h12_m12_s05.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d08_h14_m59_s01.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d08_h17_m43_s37.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d08_h20_m24_s48.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d08_h23_m07_s24.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d09_h01_m48_s53.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d09_h04_m27_s43.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d09_h07_m00_s00.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d09_h09_m44_s19.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d09_h12_m29_s03.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d09_h15_m15_s09.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d09_h18_m03_s26.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d09_h20_m49_s01.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d09_h23_m37_s32.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d10_h02_m27_s23.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d10_h05_m15_s51.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d10_h08_m04_s13.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d10_h10_m54_s26.nc ├── [ 80G] StkOn_d10_h13_m46_s13.nc └── [ 80G] StkOn_d10_h16_m33_s08.nc
Provenance and Historical References:
Hamlington, P.E., Van Roekel, L.P., Fox-Kemper, B., Julien, K., and Chini, G.P. (2014) Langmuir-Submesoscale Interactions: Descriptive Analysis of Multiscale Frontal Spin-Down Simulations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 44 (9), pp. 2249-2272. Smith, K.M., Hamlington, P.E., and Fox-Kemper, B. (2016) Effects of Submesoscale Turbulence on Ocean Tracers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC011089. Suzuki, N., Fox-Kemper, B., Hamlington, P.E., and Van Roekel, L.P. (2016) Surface Waves Affect Frontogenesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Vol. 121, 3597-3624, doi:10.1002/ 2015JC011563.