Underway measurements from the R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS16015 during the LASER experiment in the Gulf of Mexico from 2016-01-15 to 2016-02-14
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment II (CARTHE II)
Brian Haus
University of Miami / Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
CTD, ADCP, Wind, Air Temperature, Air Pressure, Shipboard, Meteorological, hydrography, conductivity, salinity, fluorescence, TSG, rain, precipitation, radiance, irradiance, turbidity, navigation, underway, ocean current, chlorophyll-a, colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), turbidity, barometric pressure
This dataset reports standard shipboard underway measurements from the R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS16015 during the CARTHE LASER experiment in the Gulf of Mexico from 2016-01-15 to 2016-02-14. The data was collected during the CARTHE/LASER experiment which departed Miami, Florida on 2016-01-14, and returned 2016-02-16. This dataset reports temperature, pressure, depth, conductivity, salinity, precipitation, navigation, wind speed and direction, relative humidity, barometric pressure, meteorological data, turbidity, U- and V- current components, short and longwave radiation, and fluorometer readings. The cruise WS16015 was led by chief scientist Dr. Eric D’Asaro. Additional information about this cruise can be found in the R2R repository: http://www.rvdata.us/catalog/WS16015.
Suggested Citation:
Brian Haus, Eric D'Asaro, Dennis Ilias. 2019. Underway measurements from the R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS16015 during the LASER experiment in the Gulf of Mexico from 2016-01-15 to 2016-02-14. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-93j3-mn56
This data was collected to provide a continuous record of the RV position, heading and velocity during the entire LASER cruise. It also included meteorological data, hydrography and water velocity information. The purpose was to define the physical environment the ship was operating in during the experiment.
Data Parameters and Units:
Underway data (*.dat files): date (DD Month YYYY), time (hh:mm:ss), GPS1 [latitude (degrees minutes) and direction (degrees), longitude (degrees minutes) and direction (degrees), speed over ground (SOG, knots), course over ground (COG, degrees), latitude (decimal degrees), longitude(decimal degrees)], GPS2 [latitude (degrees minutes) and direction (degrees), longitude (degrees minutes) and direction (degrees), speed over ground (SOG, knots), course over ground (COG, degrees), latitude (decimal degrees), longitude (decimal degrees), Ggyroscope [bottom F/A speed (knots), P/S speed (knots), water F/A speed (knots), P/S speed (knots), precision infrared radiometer (PIR, w/m^2), precision spectral pyranometer (PSP, w/m^2), total ultraviolet radiation (TUV, w/m^2, rain gauge condition code (dimensionless), precipitation (mm/hr), accumulated precipitation (mm), fluorometer concentration (micrograms/Liter), fluorometer raw voltage (Volts), gain (dimensionless), dissolved organic matter concentration (micrograms/Liter), raw voltage (volts), gain (dimensionless), Sea-Bird Electronics thermometer (SBTemp, temperature, degrees C), pump PVC flow (LPM), output pressure (PSI), pre-stainer pressure PSI), post-stainer pressure PSI), POSMV [latitude (degrees minutes) and direction (degrees), longitude (degrees minutes) and direction (degrees), speed over ground (SOG, knots), course over ground (COG, degrees), latitude (decimal degrees), longitude(decimal degrees), heading (degrees)], RM Young [barometer (mb), relative wind speed (knots), relative wind direction (degrees), true wind speed (knots), true wind direction (degrees), Port RM Young meteorological station [air temperature (degrees C), relative humidity (%), barometric pressure (mb), MicroThermoSalinoGraph [temperature (degrees C), conductivity (Sm), salinity (PSU), Turner Designs C7 [chlorophyll-a (micrograms/Liter), colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM, micrograms/Liter), turbidity (NTU), crude oil, phycoerythrin (micrograms/Liter), phycocyanin (micrograms/Liter), depth (m), temperature (deg. C). Shipboard ADCP velocity profiles from instruments wh600 and os75bb: trajectory id, ship meridional velocity component (vship, m/s), Meridional velocity component (v, m/s), Ship zonal velocity component (uship, m/s), zonal velocity component (u, m/s), ADCP transducer temperature (tr_temp, degrees C), time (days since 2016-01-01 00:00:00), percent good pings (pg), editing flag (pflags), longitude (degrees East), latitude (degrees North), ship heading (degrees), depth (m), received signal strength (amp).