Data Parameters and Units:
ADCP_parameters: time [sec], latitude [degrees], longitude [degrees], cell size [cm], blanking distance [cm], number of depth cells, ping/ensemble, time/ensemble [hundredth of sec], ADCP mode/orientation, number of ensembles, ensembles per segment, pitch [degrees], roll [degrees], heading [degrees], temperature [degC], bottom track velocity eastward [cm/s], bottom track velocity northward [cm/s], bottom track velocity vertical [cm/s], bottom track velocity error [cm/s], GGA velocity eastward [cm/s], GGA velocity northward [cm/s], GGA velocity vertical [cm/s], GGA velocity error [cm/s], ADCP depth [m], ADCP altitude [m], Total distance [m], total elapsed time [sec], distance traveled north [m], distance traveled east [m], distance made good (m), GGA East velocity [m/s], GGA North velocity [m/s], distance traveled reference to GGA [m], Discharge middle [m^3/s], discharge top [m^3/s], discharge bottom [m^3/s], start-shore discharge estimate [m^3/s), starting distance boat to shore [m], end-shore discharge estimate [m^3/s], ending distance boat to shore [m], starting depth of middle layer [m], ending depth of middle layer [m], Depth (depth cell, including ADCP depth and blanking value, [m]), velocity magnitude (m/s), velocity direction (from true north), E velocity component (cm/s), N velocity component [cm/s], vertical velocity component [up +, cm/s], error velocity [cm/s], backscatter for beams 1, 2, 3, and 4 [db], percent good [%], discharge [m^3/s]
CTD_parameters: time[seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00], latitude[deg], longitude [deg], depth [m], temperature [deg C], salinity [psu].
Folder/file naming conventions: The folder "ADCP" contains 5 sub-folders and these folders are named as "Inlet0x" where x is the inlet number (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The data for inlets 5 and 6 are combined in folder Inlet06. Each sub-folder contains ascii files named as "Inlet0n_00x_ASC.TXT", where x is numbering the files in consecutive order. Missing numbers correspond to files created while the instrument was not in the water. The folder "towed_CT" contains 3 text files, whose names reflect the dates of data collection.
The dataset includes a readme file.