This dataset contains atmosphere, wave, and ocean fields from the Unified Wave INterface Coupled Model (UWIN-CM), which was run in real-time support of the LAgrangian Submesoscale ExpeRiment (LASER). All fields are output on a grid covering the Gulf of Mexico at 4-km horizontal resolution. The fields are output at hourly intervals ranging from 01 January - 29 March, 2016.
Data Parameters and Units:
sinalpha (local sine of map rotation; unitless), cosalpha (local cosine of map rotation; unitless), xland (land mask; 1=land, 2 =water; unitless), u10 (u-component wind velocity at 10 m; m/s), v10 (v-component wind velocity at 10 m; m/s), q2 (vertical stress at 2m; kg/kg), t2(temperature at 2m; deg. C), tsk (surface skin temperature; deg K), ust (u* in similarity theory; m/s), hfx (upward heat flux at the surface; W/m^2), qfx (upward moisture at the surface; kg/m^2/s), lh (latent heat flux at the surface; W/m^2), glw (downward long wave flux at ground surface; W/m^2), swdown (downward short wave flux at ground surface; W/m^2), albedo (unitless), psfc (surface pressure; Pa), rainc (accumulated total cumulus precipitation; mm), rainnc (accumulated total grid scale precipitation; mm), raincv (time-step cumulus precipitation; mm), rainncv (time-step non-convective precipitation; mm) lon (longitude; deg. E), lat (latitude; deg. N), seamask (non-dimensional), depth (ocean depth; m), swh (significant wave height; m), mss (mean square slope; non-dimensional), mwd (mean wave direction; radians), mwl (mean wavelength; m), mwp (mean wave period; seconds), dwd (dominant wave direction; radians), dwl (dominant wavelength; m), dwp (dominant wave period; s), rhoa (air density; kg/m^3), rhow (water density; kg/m^3), taux_form (form drag, x-component; N/m^2), tauy_form (form drag, y-component; N/m^2), taux_skin (skin drag, x-component; N/m^2), tauy_skin (skin drag, y-component; N/m^2), taux_ocn (momentum flux from breaking waves to ocean top, x-component; N/m^2), tauy_ocn (momentum flux from breaking waves to ocean top, y-component; N/m^2), u_stokes (stokes drift x-component; m/s), v_stokes (stokes drift y-component; m/s), d_stokes (stokes drift e-folding depth; m), uc (ocean current, x-component; m/s), vc (ocean current, y-component; m/s)