These data include qPCR results from the sea surface microlayer bacterial samples collected in February 2016 during the laser cruise in the Gulf of Mexico. Sea surface microlayer and subsurface water samples were taken using polycarbonate filters. DNA was extracted from each filter and run through qPCR against Bacillus spp.; Bacillus is a well-known surfactant-associated bacterial genus. The cycle count generated by the qPCR software can be input into an equation to determine relative abundance. See readme file for information on exact sampling locations and other important details.
Suggested Citation:
Alexander Soloviev, Cayla Dean. 2017. Field observations and qPCR results of sea surface microlayer bacterial samples, Gulf of Mexico, February 2016. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7GF0RJH
This work aims to connect the presence of surfactant-associated bacteria with natural, biogenic sea slicks which can be observed in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. In this work, we sampled the sea surface microlayer and associated subsurface water in biogenic slick and non-slick conditions in order to determine relative abundance of surfactant-associated bacteria. The use of SAR imagery offers new opportunities to study the sea surface microlayer and organic material, such as dissolved oil spills, in the near surface layer of the ocean.
Data Parameters and Units:
Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Location (latitude and longitude in DMS), Sample site number, Time (HH:MM), Slick- indicates presence of slick (yes or no), Tube #, Sample condition, Relative abundance of Bacillus spp., wind speed (m/s, knots), wave height (ft), Comments, Cycle number (ct), Average RA (Mean relative abundance of Bacillus spp.), Standard deviation PA, T (distribution coefficient), T/2 (distribution coefficient/2), N (number of samples in qPCR run), Min CI (minimum confidence interval at 95%), Max CI (maximum confidence interval at 95%), Type sample type (SML: sea surface microlayer water sample, SSW: subsurface water sample, NE: non-exposed control filter, AC: air control filter, P Bac: positive control, Bacillus, NTC: non-template control (water, no DNA))