Assessment of marsh/mangrove above and below ground productivity at Chandeleur Island, June and September 2015
Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER)
Just Cebrian
Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) / University Programs
Spartina alterniflora, Avicennia germinans, oil, Deepwater horizon, vegetation, production, productivity, belowground, aboveground
Productivity of Spartina alterniflora and Avicennia germinans was assessed by measuring growth of shoots/leaves between sampling periods (approximately 3 months). Measured replicates where tagged during sampling in June 2015, and remeasured in September of 2015.
Suggested Citation:
Just Cebrian, Josh Goff. 2017. Assessment of marsh/mangrove above and below ground productivity at Chandeleur Island, June and September 2015. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7930RJH
In order to observe effects of oil contamination on biological processes, productivity of Avicennia germinans and Spartina alterniflora communities were assessed using measurements of above- and belowground growth for both species over time.
Data Parameters and Units:
Site_Location file Latitude: measured in decimal degrees, Longitude: measured in decimal degrees, Date: Date that samples were collected (mm/dd/yyyy), Site: Name assigned to each site at the beginning of the sampling period (all ACER groups using same site names), Habitat: Habitat type where the samples were collected at each site (mangrove, marsh, or mixed), Oiling?: Denotes whether the site was oiled (Oiled) or non-oiled (Non) according to SCAT (Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique) shoreline data from NOAA Spartina Density file Date: Date that samples were collected (mm/dd/yyyy), Site: Name assigned to each site at the beginning of the sampling period (all ACER groups using same site names), Habitat: Habitat type where the samples were collected at each site (mangrove, marsh, or mixed), Oiling?: Denotes whether the site was oiled (Oiled) or non-oiled (Non) according to SCAT (Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique) shoreline data from NOAA, Shoots/0.25m2: Number of shoots in a 0.25m2 quadrat Spartine AG (above ground) Production file Date: Date that samples were collected (mm/dd/yyyy), Site: Name assigned to each site at the beginning of the sampling period (all ACER groups using same site names), Habitat: Habitat type where the samples were collected at each site (mangrove, marsh, or mixed), Oiling?: Denotes whether the site was oiled (Oiled) or non-oiled (Non) according to SCAT (Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique) shoreline data from NOAA, Shoot type: Denotes if shoot measured was "Tagged" indicating the shoot was marked or "New" indicating new growth. Note that new growth only in 9/20/2015 sampling. AG denotes Aboveground biomass, Shoot number: Denotation of shoot replicate, Leaf 1 (youngest) to Leaf n (oldest): Measurement of leaf length in centimeters for each leaf on tagged and new shoots. Column G begins the series with Leaf 1 (youngest), the youngest leaf on the shoot, and continues until all leaves are measured to Leaf n (Oldest) Spartina BG (below ground) Production Date: Date that samples were collected (mm/dd/yyyy), Site: Name assigned to each site at the beginning of the sampling period (all ACER groups using same site names), Habitat: Habitat type where the samples were collected at each site (mangrove, marsh, or mixed), Oiling?: Denotes whether the site was oiled (Oiled) or non-oiled (Non) according to SCAT (Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique) shoreline data from NOAA, Shoot type: Denotes if shoot measured was "Tagged" indicating the shoot was marked or "New" indicating new growth. Note that new growth only in 9/20/2015 sampling. AG denotes Aboveground biomass, Replicate: Denotation of core replicate (n=1, 2, or 3), Dry Mass (g) w/ Tray: Dried mass of root material and sample tray in grams, Post Muffle Mass (g) w/ Tray: Mass of root material and sample tray in grams after burning, Tray Mass: Mass of the sample tray in grams, Abs Dry Mass (g): Dry mass w/ Tray minus the tray mass in grams, Abs Post Muffle Mass (g): Post Muffle Mass w/ Tray minus the tray mass in grams, AFDW (g): Abs Dry Mass minus Abs Post Muffle Mass in grams. Indicates organic matter content Mangrove Density file Date: Date that samples were collected (mm/dd/yyyy), Site: Name assigned to each site at the beginning of the sampling period (all ACER groups using same site names), Habitat: Habitat type where the samples were collected at each site (mangrove, marsh, or mixed), Oiling?: Denotes whether the site was oiled (Oiled) or non-oiled (Non) according to SCAT (Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique) shoreline data from NOAA, Tree: Denotation of tree replicate (n=1, 2, or 3), Leaves: Number of leaves counted on branch, New Leaves: Number of new leaves (only for 9/20/2015 sampling) Mangrove AG (above ground) Production file Date: Date that samples were collected (mm/dd/yyyy), Site: Name assigned to each site at the beginning of the sampling period (all ACER groups using same site names), Habitat: Habitat type where the samples were collected at each site (mangrove, marsh, or mixed), Oiling?: Denotes whether the site was oiled (Oiled) or non-oiled (Non) according to SCAT (Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique) shoreline data from NOAA, Tree: Denotation of tree replicate (n=1, 2, or 3), Grazing?: Assessment of grazing as "yes" or "no", Pic Number: Picture number used to pair pictures with replicate label, Leaf Number: Replicate leaf number, Leaf Health: Qualitative assessment of leaf health on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being unhealthy (yellow, highly grazed) and 5 being healthy (green, little to no grazing), Area: Assessment of leaf area using photo analysis software Mangrove BG (below ground) Production file Date: Date that samples were collected (mm/dd/yyyy), Site: Name assigned to each site at the beginning of the sampling period (all ACER groups using same site names), Habitat: Habitat type where the samples were collected at each site (mangrove, marsh, or mixed), Oiling?: Denotes whether the site was oiled (Oiled) or non-oiled (Non) according to SCAT (Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique) shoreline data from NOAA, Tree: Denotation of tree replicate (n=1, 2, or 3), Pneumatophores (10cm2): Number of pneumatophores in a 0.10m2 quadrat AG denotes aboveground biomass (i.e. leaves, shoots, stems, and/or branches) BG denotes belowground biomass (i.e. roots and rhizomes)