Examining the role of taxonomic diversity of oyster reefs in response to oiling, dispersant, and salinity – a mesocosm study in May 2017
Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER)
Sean Powers
University of South Alabama / Department of Marine Sciences
Crassostrea virginica, Deepwater Horizon, freshwater diversion, dispersant
Oyster reefs in the Gulf of Mexico were likely subjected to multiple stressors as a result of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill – those directly from the spill and those indirectly from the spill in the form of clean-up/response activities. The resilience of oyster reefs in the Gulf of Mexico in response to oiling may have been influenced by the taxonomic diversity of suspension feeders on oyster reefs. The data here are from a laboratory experiment assessing the effects of oil, dispersants, and salinity on oysters and associated epibionts. Groups of larger oysters (seed and market class), which were cemented together, and there associated epibionts; which included smaller oyster size classes (small seed and spat), barnacles, bryozoan, and polychaete worms; were used in the experiment. Oyster groups came from oyster seed raised by the Auburn Shellfish Lab that were raised from small seed size classes in containers in Portersville Bay, Mississippi Sound, AL from September 2016 to April 2017 and were allowed to obtain an invertebrate fouling community. Fouled oysters were assigned to treatment replicates at random. In addition, supplemental oyster shells from Mississippi sound that were fouled with barnacles were added at random to experimental tank replicates. Survival, growth and condition of juvenile oysters were assessed after 16-19 days of exposure.
Suggested Citation:
Kelly Boyle, Sean Powers. 2018. Examining the role of taxonomic diversity of oyster reefs in response to oiling, dispersant, and salinity – a mesocosm study in May 2017. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7QN65B9
The purpose of this manipulative mesocosm study was to evaluate how the taxonomic diversity of oyster reef suspension feeders plays a role in the resilience of oysters to the effects of multiple-stressors associated with oil spills and their response activities (i.e. oil, dispersants, fresh water input).
Data Parameters and Units:
Parameters and Units: ACER_Oyster_barnacles.csv: reports the total number of live and dead barnacles in experimental tanks, the subtotal of barnacles (live and dead) that were found on supplemental oyster shells, and the number of supplemental shells added to each experimental tank Tank: the specific tank in the experiment (numbered from 1–96) Salinity: the salinity group assignment (options include either low or meso); low is 5-10 ppt and meso is 15-20 ppt Oil: oiling category group assignment (options include none, oil, oil+dispersant) Date Processed: MM/DD/YYYY calendar date the oyster group tank was processed and barnacles were counted no. live barnacles: the total number of live barnacles in the tank on all substrates (live and dead oysters, supplemental shells) no. dead barnacles: the total number of dead barnacles in the tank on all substrates (live and dead oysters, supplemental shells) no. live on supplemental shell: the subtotal of live barnacles that were present on supplemental oyster shells in the experimental tank no. dead on supplemental shell: the subtotal of dead barnacles that were present on supplemental oyster shells in the experimental tank no. supplemental shells: the number of supplemental shells present in the experimental tank ACER_Oyster_inverts_other.csv: reports the numbers of other invertebrate taxa found among the experimental tanks and their status (live or dead) Tank: the specific tank in the experiment (numbered from 1–96) Salinity: the salinity group assignment (options include either low or meso); low is 5-10 ppt and meso is 15-20 ppt Oil: oiling category group assignment (options include none, oil, oil+dispersant) Date Processed: MM/DD/YYYY calendar date the oyster group tank was processed and invertebrates were counted errant polychaetes (live): number of live errant polychaetes present in the tank Bryozoa live: number of oysters and supplemental shells with live bryozoa colonies Bryozoa dead: number of oysters and supplemental shells with dead bryozoa colonies Ischadium live: number of live Ischadium present in the tank Ischadium dead: number of dead Ishchadium present in the tank serpulid polychaetes (live): number of live serpulid polychaetes present in the tank serpulid polychaetes (dead): number of dead serpulid polychaetes present in the tank Turbellarian flatworms (live): number of live turbellarian flatworms present in the tank Panopeid Crabs (live): number of live panopeid crabs present in the tank Oyster drills (live): number of live oyster drills present in the tank ACER_Oyster_notes_and_masses.csv: includes notes about the status of oysters before the experiment, notes about processing of the oysters, and the mass of oyster groups added to the experimental tanks Tank: the specific tank in the experiment (numbered from 1–96) Salinity: the salinity group assignment (options include either low or meso); low is 5-10 ppt and meso is 15-20 ppt Oil: oiling category group assignment (options include none, oil, oil+dispersant) Date Processed: MM/DD/YYYY calendar date the oyster group tank was processed and oysters and other invertebrates were enumerated Oysters died before experiment that were kept as shells in the tank and not included in the final experiment totals: Oysters died before experiment that were kept as shells in the tank and not included in the final experiment totals Oysters died before experiment that were removed because of rotting flesh present: Oysters died before experiment that were removed because of rotting flesh present INITIAL MASS MEASUREMENT CORRECT? Y/N Mass of oysters and epibionts in tank assessed on 4/14/18: Initial mass of oysters and epibionts before the experiment on 4/14/18 ACER_Oyster_oyster_groups.csv: reports the number of oyster groups in each experimental tank, and the number of live and dead oysters in each size class (spat, seed, market) for each group Tank: the specific tank in the experiment (numbered from 1–96) Salinity: the salinity group assignment (options include either low or meso); low is 5-10 ppt and meso is 15-20 ppt Oil: oiling category group assignment (options include none, oil, oil+dispersant) Date Processed: MM/DD/YYYY calendar date the oyster group tank was processed and invertebrates were counted Group: Refers to the group of oysters (one or more oysters cemented together). Subsequent columns (‘No. live market on group’, ‘No. live seed on group’, ‘No. live spat on group’, ‘No. dead market on group’, ‘No. dead seed on group’, and ‘No. dead spat on group’) refer to the status (live or dead) of individual oysters on that individual group. No. live market on group: number of live market oysters on that group. Market oysters are those with shell heights great than or equal to 75 mm No. live seed on group: number of live seed oysters on that group. Oyster seed is defined as oysters with shell heights greater than 25 mm and less than 75 mm No. live spat on group: number of live spat oysters on that group. Oyster spat is defined as oysters 25 mm or less in shell height No. dead market on group number of dead market oysters on that group. Market oysters are those with shell heights great than or equal to 75 mm No. dead seed on group number of dead seed oysters on that group. Oyster seed is defined as oysters with shell heights greater than 25 mm and less than 75 mm No. dead spat on group: number of dead spat oysters on that group. Oyster spat is defined as oysters 25 mm or less in shell height No. groups processed: number of groups processed within the tank No. live market per tank: total number of live market oysters within the tank No. live seed per tank: total number of live seed oysters within the tank No. live spat per tank: total number of live spat oysters within the tank No. dead market per tank: total number of dead market oysters within the tank No. dead seed per tank: total number of dead seed oysters within the tank No. dead spat per tank: total number of dead spat oysters within the tank Total live per tank: total number of live oysters of all size classes within the tank Total Dead per tank: total number of dead oysters of all size classes within the tank ACER_Oyster_shell_heights.csv: reports shell heights of live and dead oysters at the end of exposure for each experimental tank Tank: the specific tank in the experiment (numbered from 1–96) Salinity: the salinity group assignment (options include either low or meso); low is 5-10 ppt and meso is 15-20 ppt Oil: oiling category group assignment (options include none, oil, oil+dispersant) Date Processed: MM/DD/YYYY calendar date the oyster group tank was processed and invertebrates were counted Shell Height: measured shell height at the end of the experiment; shell height was measured from the umbo to the leading edge of the valve, in millimeters Status: live or dead ACER_Oyster_TPH_PAH.csv: reports the values of total petroleum hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water of each experimental treatment over time Note: Sample ID ‘Oy-DISL-1-06’ and ‘Oy-DISL-2-07’ unexpectedly had TPH values reported, though they were from systems without added oil. Shelley Antoine from PACE analytical gave the following explanation “I have reviewed the data for both DISL-1-06 (2054046-006) and DISL-2-07 (2054046-019), confirmed the results for both samples, and they are correct as reported. Both samples were extracted 250 mls to a final volume of 1ml and there were no dilutions. Sample 006 did not have much of a "hump" in the oil range, so it was reported as BDL. (Below Detection Level) We run a calibration verification every 20 injections, so sample 019 was initially run on the same day and after the calibration verification. This sample had a sizeable hump that began partly in the diesel range and extended through the oil range. We could not report that data because the calibration verification that followed it in the sequence did not pass surrogate %D criteria (likely due to the nature of this sample). We then reran sample 019 again several days later after re-establishing the calibration. The hump, although a little smaller, was very similar in pattern. The surrogate recoveries were elevated in this sample, as expected due to the interferences, and were qualified accordingly.” No PAH values were found for either sample. SampleID: unique identifier for the sample; the first two digits indicate the shelving system; the second set of letters and numbers indicates the time point; the last letter indicates the replicate CollectionDate: MM/DD/YYYY the date the water sample was collected and shipped to Pace Laboratories, LA TimePoint: the water sampling time point in the time series (options are 0-6) System: the shelving system, which corresponds to a water treatment; rows with an underscore followed by a number indicate the shelf within the system (only applicable for 1 hr and 24 hr time points in systems 2 and 3), system 1 corresponds to tanks 1-16, system 2 corresponds to tanks 17-32, system 3 corresponds to tanks 33-48, system 4 corresponds to 49-64, system 5 corresponds to 65-80, and system 6 corresponds to 81-96. Water samples were taken from a common sump in each of these systems, except for Oy-DISL-2-07, Oy-DISL-2-08, Oy-DISL-2-09, Oy-DISL-2-10, Oy-DISL-2-11, Oy-DISL-2-12, in which they were taken from the top of the shelving system at the point before water flowed into the oyster tanks Salinity: the salinity group assignment (options include either low or meso); low is 5-10 ppt and meso is 15-20 ppt Oil: oiling category group assignment (options include none, oil, oil+dispersant) TPH: concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons, measured by EPA Method 8015M, oil range organics X2.Methylnaphthalene: concentration of 2-Methylnaphthalene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Acenaphthene: concentration of Acenaphthene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Acenaphthylene: concentration of Acenaphthylene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Anthracene: concentration of Anthracene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Benzo.a.anthracene: concentration of Benzo(a)anthracene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Benzo.a.pyrene: concentration of Benzo(a)pyrene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Benzo.b.fluoranthene: concentration of Benzo(b)fluoranthene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Benzo.g.h.i.perylene: concentration of Benzo(g,h,i)perylene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Benzo.k.fluoranthene: concentration of Benzo(k)fluoranthene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Chrysene: concentration of Chrysene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Dibenz.a.h.anthracene: concentration of Dibenz(a,h)anthracene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Fluoranthene: concentration of Fluoranthene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Fluorene: concentration of Fluorene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Indeno.1.2.3.cd.pyrene: concentration of Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Naphthalene: concentration of Naphthalene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Phenanthrene: concentration of Phenanthrene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Pyrene: concentration of Pyrene, as measured by EPA Method 8270 Units: units of measurement for the analytes; crude oil is mg/kg and all others are mg/L; Crude oil was MC 252 (Surrogate MC252 Oil, BP). Dispersant = Slickgone NS (Dasic International Ltd.) ACER_Oyster_WaterQuality.csv: reports the temperature and salinity in each of the experimental systems over the course of the first 12 days of the experiment Day: Day relative to the oiling experiment. Day 0 is day before oil added. Date: Date water quality measurement was made MM/DD/YYYY Time: HH:MM time, 24 hour clock, in Central Standard Time, that the physical data was acquired; blanks indicate there was no data taken System: the shelving system, which corresponds to one water treatment; water quality data was obtained from the sump tank of the shelving system, system 1 corresponds to tanks 1-16, system 2 corresponds to tanks 17-32, system 3 corresponds to tanks 33-48, system 4 corresponds to 49-64, system 5 corresponds to 65-80, and system 6 corresponds to 81-96 and that water quality was also measured at a common sump for each of these. SalinityGrp: the salinity group assignment (options include either low or meso); low is 5-10 ppt and meso is 15-20 ppt OilGrp: oiling category group assignment (options include none, oil, oil+dispersant) Temp: the measured water temperature in the sump tank, in degrees Centigrade Salinity: the measured salinity in the sump tank, measured in ppt
Crude oil concentration was 1 mL oil per 1L of water (systems 2-5). Dispersant concentration for systems 2 and 5 was 1:20 dispersant:oil (i.e. 0.05 mL dispersant per 1L of water). One single dose of oil was added into the sump of each system.