Data Parameters and Units:
Physical files: Central time (HH:MM:SS), julian = julian time (CDT), Time (UTC), timestamp = Unix timestamp (local time), alt = altitude; distance from benthos (m), Temperature (degrees Celsius), Depth (m), fluor = chlorophyll-a fluorescence (raw voltage), fvel = forward velocity (m/s, 0 indicates unreliable reading from ADCP), heading = heading of the ISIIS vehicle (degrees), o2 = oxygen concentration (incorrect- see note), o2volts (volts), par (/m^2), parvolts (volts), pitch= pitch of ISIIS vehicle (degrees), roll = roll of the ISIIS vehicle (degrees), salinity (psu), lat = latitude (decimal degrees), lon = longitude (decimal degrees), vertvel = vertical velocity (mm/sec), altok (binary variable indicates if altitude data are valid, 1-valid, 0-error), transect (DVM only) = transect number (1-3)
SigmaInterp files: dist = horizontal tow distance (m), depth = vertical depth (m), sigma
OxyInterp files: dist = horizontal tow distance (m), depth = vertical depth (m), oxy = oxygen concentration (mg/L)
BioPhys Files: nearjul = nearest julian time (CDT) of physical data to image– the physical data and images are not collected at the same rate (6 Hz for environment, 17 Hz for images), julian = julian time (CDT), ID = taxonomic identification, Junk = image particle type, label = image file name, slice= image number within an image stack of 430 images, xloc = x pixel location within the larger frame, yloc = y pixel location within the larger frame, width = width of bounding box (pixels), height = height of bounding box (pixels), Time (UTC), timestamp = Unix timestamp (local time), alt = altitude; distance from benthos (m), Temperature (degrees Celsius), Depth (m), fluor = chlorophyll-a fluorescence (raw voltage), fvel = forward velocity (m/s, 0 indicates unreliable reading from ADCP), heading = heading of the ISIIS vehicle (degrees), o2 = oxygen concentration (incorrect- see note), o2volts (volts), par (/m^2), parvolts (volts), pitch= pitch of ISIIS vehicle (degrees), roll = roll of the ISIIS vehicle (degrees), salinity (psu), lat = latitude (decimal degrees), lon = longitude (decimal degrees), vertvel = vertical velocity (mm/sec), altok (binary variable indicates if altitude data are valid, 1-valid, 0-error), dist = horizontal tow distance (m), o2delay = corrected oxygen concentration (mg/L)
Note: For corrected oxygen ‘o2delay’, we used the formula supplied by the oxygen sensor (Seabird electronics) to convert the oxygen voltage, temperature, salinity, and depth to dissolved oxygen concentration. The oxygen concentration values for ‘o2’ are incorrect for the summer 2016 data due to an error in the software that converts the voltage.
Weighted Mean Depth files: label = taxonomic identification, wmd = weighted mean depth (m)
Depth Concentration Files: Taxonomic identification, count = individuals counted within depth bin, Depth bin (m), Volume sampled (m^3), Concentration (individuals/m^3)