FlowCAM imaging of microplankton community collected aboard the R/V Point Sur, PS16_20, in the Mississippi Bight, northern Gulf of Mexico, from 2016-03-30 to 2016-04-09
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File Size: 6 GB
File Format(s):
txt, csv, xlsx, cla, ctx, edg, lst, tif, cnv
Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Consortium for Oil Spill Exposure Pathways in Coastal River-Dominated Ecosystems (CONCORDE)
Jeffrey Krause
Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) / University Programs
CONCORDE, FlowCAM, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, river-dominated ecosystem, FlowCAM imaging, microplankton community, biovolumes, particles, images
This dataset contains FlowCAM imaging of microplankton community collected aboard the R/V Point Sur (PS16_20) in the Mississippi Bight (Northern Gulf of Mexico) from 2016-03-30 to 2016-04-09. Using a FlowCAM® B3 Benchtop Series fitted with a 1.0 mL C70 Syringe pump, a 10X magnification objective, and a 100 µm flow cell, unconcentrated, pre-filtered water samples were analyzed in single, duplicate, or triplicate 5.0 mL aliquots in fluorescence trigger mode (TM), which images only particles that emit red (> 650 nm) or orange (575 nm) fluorescence. The dataset contains the images and analysis of images as well as estimates of biovolumes of different microplankton. The dataset contains the location (longitude and latitude), and the date of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur, PS16_20. The cruise was led by chief scientists Dr. Adam Greer and Alison Deary.
Suggested Citation:
Boyette, Adam, Sydney Acton, Jeffrey Krause, and Monty Graham. 2021. FlowCAM imaging of microplankton community collected aboard the R/V Point Sur, PS16_20, in the Mississippi Bight, northern Gulf of Mexico, from 2016-03-30 to 2016-04-09. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/V3S4VP4E
The purpose of this study was to examine the microplankton community in this highly productive, yet understudied region of the northern Gulf of Mexico. This study provides a high-resolution community structure of phytoplankton and microzooplankton, which may assist environmental managers and ecosystem modelers in understanding key ecosystem processes in this region.
Data Parameters and Units:
The dataset consists of 2 Excel files (“GRIIDC_Cruise_Data_Documentation_CONCORDE_spring2016.xlsx” and “CONCORDE_Spring2016_station data.xlsx”) and 2 main folders of files (“Classified Data” and Station Data”). The Excel files contain information on the oceanographic cruise documentation and locations and dates of sample collection. The folder titled “Station Data” contains all the raw data from the Flowcam which includes images of particles (microphytoplankton) in tiff files and Flowcam analysis. Flowcam analysis estimates the biovolumes of cells. File names within each station folder follow different naming conventions, where y = year, m = month, d = day, h = hour, m = minute, s = second, image mode = trigger, sample depth = surface, replicate = a, b, or c: The headers in this folder are Particle ID (particle identification), Class, Biovolume (Cylinder), Biovolume (P. Spheroid), and Biovolume (Sphere). The folder titled “Classified Data” contains a summary of all the analyses done in the experiment. The headers in this folder are Particle ID (particle identification), Class, Biovolume (Cylinder), Biovolume (P. Spheroid), and Biovolume (Sphere). Autumn 2015 naming convention: station ID_mmddyyyy_hhmmss_magnification_image mode_replicate_post image processing level (e.g. cleaned). All classified images were manually classified into 1 of 24 morphological-based functional groups (MBFG) classifications (listed below) and each file is read along rows rather than by column headers. MGFB classifications are: MBFG 1 Nanoflagellates (< 20 µm, Area Based Diameter, ABD); MBFG 2 Prorocentroid-type; MBFG 3 Gymnodinoid-type; MBFG 4 Cerationoid-type autotrophic or mixotrophic, and none produce toxins; MBFG 5 Dinophysoid-type; MBFG 6 Euglenoind-type; MBFG 7 Silicoflagellates; MBFG 8 Radiolarians; MBFG 9 Elliptic prism; MBFG 10 Discoidal cells; MBFG 11 Skeletonemanoid-type; MBFG 12 Cylindrical chains; MBFG 13 Acerate cells; MBFG 14 Asterionellopsisoid-type; MBFG 15 Desmids; MBFG 16 Mucilaginous colony; MBFG 17 Cyanobacteria; MBFG 18 Ciliates; MBFG 19 Macrograzer; MBFG 20 and 21 Unidentified particles.
All samples were run in trigger mode using a FlowCAM® B3 Benchtop Series fitted with a 1.0 mL C70 Syringe pump, a 10X magnification objective, and a 100 µm flow cell. Unconcentrated, pre-filtered water samples were analyzed in single, duplicate, or triplicate 5.0 mL aliquots in fluorescence trigger mode (TM), which images only particles that emit red (> 650 nm) or orange (575 nm) fluorescence. Briefly, TM is an image analysis mode in which the scattering of laser light is measured via two photomultiplier tubes to measure fluorescing particles, equated to a threshold value (Fluid Imaging Technologies, 2014). The camera processes an image “is triggered” when a particle moves across the laser, this will create a signal that is equal to or exceeds the threshold value (Fluid Imaging Technologies, 2014). Particle concentration in the fluid sample that was captured is a function of the width of the field of view and flow cell, particle count and property in the sample fluid, and the volume of the sample fluid process through the flow cell (Fluid Imaging Technologies, 2014). Values are reported as particles per milliliter (part/mL), which is a function of the particle count and the total volume imaged. Each run resulted in a list file produced by FlowCAM's Visual Spreadsheet® (V4.11.12) software (VSS). All list files were subsequently examined manually by the operator for image artifacts (e.g. air bubbles, blurred images, duplicated images from stuck particles), which were removed and saved as "cleaned" list files. The cleaned list files were used for particle analyses and are the files presented here. Part/mL = particle count/total volume imaged Whereas, the total count is the enumeration of the exact number of particles in a given volume analyzed, part/mL is a calculation of count per unit volume based on a sample of the given volume analyzed. Biovolumes were determined for each of the classified groups using the output from the Visual Spreadsheet Software: diatom biovolumes were determined using the "cylinder" biovolume, dinoflagellate biovolumes were determined using the "prolate spheroid" biovolumes; nanoflagellate biovolumes were determined using the "spheroid" biovolumes.
FlowCAM® B3 Benchtop Series fitted with a 1.0 mL C70 Syringe pump; 10X magnification objective; 100 µm flow cell
Provenance and Historical References:
Fluid Imaging Technologies website (https://www.fluidimaging.com/)