This dataset contains ichthyoplankton data collected in association with the Mobile Bay discharge plume aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS16-20 (PTS02) in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2016-04-08 to 2016-04-10. Depth-discrete plankton samples were collected during the spring CONCORDE cruise using a Bedford Institute of Oceanography Net Environmental Sampling System (BIONESS). The BIONESS (0.25 m^2 opening) was fitted with 333-µm and 202-µm mesh nets. Ichthyoplankton samples included in this data set were collected nearshore on the coastal shelf downstream of the Mobile Bay river plume to examine how variable freshwater discharge affects larval fish distributions, growth, and morphometric condition. The dataset contains the location, date and hydrographic conditions at the sampling collection site. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise led by chief scientists Dr. Adam Greer & Dr. Alison Deary.
Suggested Citation:
Kelia Axler, Frank Hernandez, Carla Culpepper. 2020. Ichthyoplankton data collected in association with the Mobile Bay discharge plume aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS16-20 (PTS02) in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2016-04-08 to 2016-04-10. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/4VG6WW99
Data were collected during the CONCORDE Spring 2016 cruise to examine how variable freshwater discharge can affect larval fish distributions, growth, and morphometric condition.
Data Parameters and Units:
The dataset consists of two Excel files. One is the cruise documentation, and the other contains ichthyoplankton data and hydrographic conditions at the sampling collection site. It includes - Water Mass [plume/nonplume], FH (internal processing number, integer), Cruise (PTS02), Date [M/D/YYYY], Station [PROCESS], Gear (Station ID, [MNXXX], Net (net number from which sample was drawn), Depth Bin [m], Mesh (size of the net mesh, [333 or 202 um], Total Swept Volume (sample volume, [m^3]), Mean Salinity, Mean Temperature [C], Mean Depth [m], Fish Per Net (number of fish larvae per sample), Total Eggs (number of eggs in the sample), Family (taxonomic family identification of sample), Taxon (lowest taxonomic level identified), Total Fish (number of individuals per taxon identified in the sample), and Concentration (total fish divided by sample volume, [m^3]).
Plankton net contents were rinsed with seawater, sieved, fixed in 95% ethanol, and stored in 85% ethanol. All fish larvae and zooplankton collected by the BIONESS nets were sorted and identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level using a Leica MZ9.5 dissecting microscope.
Bedford Institute of Oceanography Net Environmental Sampling System (BIONESS), 0.25 m^2 opening, fitted with 333-µm and 202-µm mesh nets.