This dataset reports selected geochemical tracers from 17 sites in the Mississippi Bight aboard the R/V Point Sur cruise BCS-2016,also known as “BONCARRS” and PS1617, https://doi.org/10.7284/909382), from 2016-02-10 to 2016-02-12. Tracers determined include nutrients, dissolved oxygen, oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of the water, selected trace elements, chlorophyll-a, and radium isotopes. Temperature and salinity at each station are also reported. Samples were collected at surface, mid and bottom depths for most stations. This information was obtained to help constrain water and nutrient sources as well as mixing. This specific cruise occurred subsequent to the January 2016 opening of the Bonnet Carré Spillway.
Suggested Citation:
Shiller, Alan M.; Box, Hannah; Gilbert, Melissa; Joung, DongJoo; Sanial, Virginie. 2018. Geochemical tracers, CTD and Rosette data collected from R/V Point Sur cruise BCS-2016 (PS1617) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2016-02-10 to 2016-02-12. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N75T3J3B
Investigation of water chemistry, biology, and circulation in the Mississippi Bight. All CONCORDE cruises were designed to provide observational (physical, chemical, biological) data on the Bight for use in a synthetic model describing oil exposure potential.
Data Parameters and Units:
Cruise id, station, sample id number, latitude (decimal degrees North), longitude (decimal degrees East), Date (MM/DD/YY), depth (m), salinity [PSS-78], salinity flag (no units), temperature [degrees C], dissolved oxygen [O2, µmol/kg], chlorophyll-a [Chl.a, µg/L], nitrate and nitrite [NO3+NO2, µmol/kg], nitrate [NO2-, µmol/kg], Ammonium [NH4+, µmol/kg], total dissolved nitrogen [TDN, µmol/kg], phosphate [PO4, µmol/kg], silica [Si(OH)4, µmol/kg], dissolved Ba [Ba diss, nmol/kg], dissolved Cs [Cs diss, nmol/kg], dissolved Mo [Mo diss, nmol/kg], delta-18-O(water) [‰ VSMOW], delta-D(water) [‰ VSMOW], Ra-224 [dpm/100L], Ra-223 [dpm/100L], Ra-228 [dpm/100L], Ra-226 [dpm/100L], Sample type (surface, middle, bottom)
Information on the analytical procedures pertinent to this dataset can be found in the references below:
Ho, P., J. Lee, M. Heller, P. Lam, and A.M. Shiller, 2018. The distribution of dissolved and particulate Mo and V along the U.S. GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect (GP16): the roles of oxides and biogenic particles in their distributions in the oxygen deficient zone and the hydrothermal plume. Marine Chemistry 201: 242-255; doi: 10.1016 /j.marchem.2017.12.003.
Joung, DJ and A.M. Shiller, 2014. Dissolved barium behavior in Louisiana Shelf waters affected by the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River mixing zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141: 303-313, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.06.021.
Kipp, L. et al., 2018. Radium isotopes as tracers of hydrothermal inputs and neutrally buoyant plume dynamics in the deep ocean. Marine Chemistry 201: 51-65; doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2017.06.011.
Shim, M.-J., P.S. Swarzenski, and A.M. Shiller, 2012. Dissolved and Colloidal Trace Elements in the Mississippi River Delta Outflow after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Continental Shelf Research 42: 1-9; doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2012.03.007.
Element XR, High resolution inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer, ThermoFisher
Cavity ring-down spectrometer, Picarro L2120i
Radium Delayed Coincidence Counter (RaDeCC) system for short-lived radium isotopes
Gamma counter, well-type, germanium
Skalar autoanalyzer