Data Parameters and Units:
The worksheet "Read Me File": Contains the general notes and description of the data parameters included in the following worksheet. It also includes zooplankton processing information.
The worksheet "NOAA NODC Codes": Contains the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Oceanographic Data Center Codes on wind speed, wind direction, sea state, and weather.
The worksheet "Station and Field Data": Tow Number, Cruise (BCS01), Date (MM/DD/YYYY, UTC), Station, CONCORDE sample number, Water Depth (m), Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Sea State, Weather State, Start Time (UTC), Start Latitude (degrees), Start Latitude (minutes), Start Longitude (degrees), Start Longitude (minutes), End Time (UTC), End Latitude (degrees), End Latitude (minutes), End Longitude (degrees), End Longitude (minutes), Mesh size (µm).
The worksheet "Zooplankton Data": Cruise, Sample Date (MMDDYYYY, UTC), Station, Gear, Tow #, Sample ID, Net #, Depth Bin Category, Mesh Size (um), Swept Volume (m3), Plankton Displacement Vol (ml), Individual count (Actinula larvae, Amphipod, Anthozoan larvae, Ascidian larvae, Barnacle cyprid, Barnacle nauplii, Bivalve larvae, Brachiopoda (lingula larva), Calanoid copepod, Cephalopod, Chaetognath, Cladoceran, Copepod nauplii, Crab megalopa, Crab zoea, Ctenophores (larval), Cumacean, Cyclopoid copepod, Doliolid, Echinoderm, Ectoprocta (Bryozoa larvae), Ephyra, Euphausiid , Gastropod larvae, Harpacticoid copepod, Heteropod, Hydroid polyps, Hydromedusae, Isopod, Juvenile Crab, Lancelet, Larvacean, Stomatopods, Lobster larvae, Mysid shrimp, Nematoda, Nemertean pilidium, Nudibranchs, Ostracod, Other decapod, Parasitic copepod, Phoronida (actinotroch larvae), Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Polychaete larvae (trochophores), Polychaete, Pteropod, Pycnogonids, Salps, Scyphomedusae, Siphonophore, Sipunculid, Stomatopod, Tornaria Larvae, Unidentified organisms).
The worksheet "Ichthyoplankton Data": Cruise (BCS01), Sample Date (MM/DD/YYYY, UTC), Station, Gear, Tow #, Sample ID, Net #, Depth Bin Category, Mesh Size (um), Swept Volume (m3), Plankton Displacement Vol (ml), Individual count (Total fish eggs, total fish larvae, B. Patronus).