Depth-discrete plankton samples were collected during CONCORDE cruise PTS02 (March 30th-April 10th, 2016) using a Bedford Institute of Oceanography Net Environmental Sampling System (BIONESS). The BIONESS (0.25 m2 opening) was fitted with six 333-µm mesh nets and three 202-µm mesh nets. Profile data (depth, temperature, salinity) were obtained with a SBE-19+ CTD (Sea-Bird Electronics) integrated with the BIONESS data logger. Samples were collected generally between the 12 and 45 m depth contours between the Chandeleur Islands and the Alabama/Florida border to assess the horizontal and vertical distribution of plankton under high freshwater discharge conditions characteristic of the Spring.
Suggested Citation:
Hernandez, Frank, Culpepper, Carla, Deary, Alison. 2017. BIONESS profile and plankton sample collection data, cruise PTS02, northern Gulf of Mexico, March–April 2016. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7X928PX
The intent of this dataset is to identify the station, field, and environmental conditions that were encountered during each BIONESS tow on the Spring field campaign of CONCORDE (March-April). The station and field information were recorded at the start and end of the station by field personnel on the vessel whereas the environmental data (temperature and salinity) were collected with a CTD (SBE-19+) mounted to the BIONESS system.
Data Parameters and Units:
Sample Collection Tab Tow Number, Cruise, UTC Date (DD-MMM-YYYY), Station, Water Depth (m), Wind Speed (NOAA code), Wind Direction (NOAA code), Sea State (NOAA code), Weather State (NOAA code), Start Time (UTC, HH:MM), Start Latitude (Decimal degrees), Start Longitude (Decimal degrees), End Time (UTC, HH:MM), End Latitude (Decimal degrees), End Longitude (Decimal degrees) BIONESS Collection Data Tow Number, Cruise, Station, CONCORDE Sample ID, Net Number, Net Mesh (µm), Tow Date (UTC, MM/DD/YYYY), Net Opening Time (UTC, HH:MM:SS), Net Opening Depth (m), Net Opening Temperature (°C), Net Opening Salinity (psu), Net Closing Time (UTC, Minutes.Seconds), Net Closing Depth (m), Net Closing Temperature (°C), Net Closing Salinity (psu), Swept Volume (m^3), Total Time Open (HH:MM:SS) Tow Number Specific Tabs Tow Number, Net Number, Salinity (psu), Temperature (°C), Depth (m)