Dataset of model comparison, and oil trapped in different zones (e.g. swash zone and surf zone) through oil-particle interactions in a typical near shore environment. These data were predicted by A-DROP model. The results has been published in Marine Pollution Bulletin (doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.02.057)
Suggested Citation:
Lin Zhao, Michel C. Boufadel, Xiaolong Geng, Kenneth Lee, Thomas King, Brian Robinson, Faith Fitzpatrick. 2016. Prediction of the formation of oil particle aggregates (OPA) in near shore environment. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N74F1NR7
Data Parameters and Units:
Fig 5 volume fraction data, oil droplet diameter (μm). Fig 6 oil trapping efficiency (OTE) and oil to sediment ratio (OSR) data for particle concentration Cp=100mg/L, shaking time (min), OTE(%), OSR (mg oil/mg sediment). Fig 7 oil trapping efficiency (OTE) and oil to sediment ratio (OSR) data for particle concentration Cp=200mg/L, shaking time (min), OTE(%), OSR (mg oil/mg sediment). Fig 8 oil trapping efficiency (OTE) and oil to sediment ratio (OSR) data for particle concentration Cp=400mg/L, shaking time (min), OTE(%), OSR (mg oil/mg sediment). Fig 9 Oil concentration of oil trapped in OPAs, and number fraction of OPAs, oil droplet size (μm), oil concentration (kg/m3). Fig 10 oil trapping efficiency (OTE) and oil to sediment ratio (OSR) data for the case of Khelifa et al (2008), Cp/Co (particle concentration to oil concentration), OTE(%), OSR (mg oil/mg sediment). Fig 14 Oil concentration in three states - free oil, suspended OPAs, and negatively buoyant OPAs, residence time (s), oil concentration (kg/m3), oil trapping efficiency (%). Fig 15 Oil concentration data as free oil and trapped in suspended OPAs in three zones, breaker zone, surf zone, and swash zone, oil droplet size (μm), oil concentration (kg/m3). Fig 16 Oil concentration data trapped in three states - free oil, suspended OPAs, and negatively buoyant OPAs under different scenarios, residence time (min), oil concentration (kg/m3). Fig 16a - swash zone: Cp=5000 mg/L, surf zone: Cp=200 mg/L; Fig 16b - swash zone: Cp=10000 mg/L, surf zone: Cp=200 mg/L; Fig 16c - swash zone: Cp=5000 mg/L, surf zone: Cp=1000 mg/L. Cp is particle concentration. Fig 17 Oil concentration data in suspended and negatively buoyant OPAs at 30 min, 1 hr, and 2 hr, oil droplet size (μm), oil concentration (kg/m3).