This dataset provides results from theoretical and numerical analysis of dissolution for bubble/drop plumes in a stratified environment. This study performs a scaling analysis of the classical integral model for bubble plume and focuses on the effect of dissolution on plume dynamics such as plume peel height and intrusion layer height. It is found that the dissolved hydrocarbons have a non-negligible effect on the plume total buoyancy and other plume-related quantities. A standard, horizontally integrated, a quasi-one-dimensional model for an axisymmetric, vertically-oriented plume was used.
Suggested Citation:
Shigan Chu, Andrea Prosperetti. 2018. Multiphase buoyant plumes with soluble drops or bubbles. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N78K77QQ
Data Parameters and Units:
Plume peel height (hp, dimension: meter), plume neutral height (hn, dimension: meter), bubble slip velocity (VN, dimensionless), density mixing coefficient (uppercase lambda, dimensionless), dissolution rate (uppercase Theta, dimensionless), length scale (Ln, dimension: meter, plume neutral height normalized by the buoyancy dominated length scale (hn/Ln, dimensionless), plume peel height normalized by the buoyancy dominated length scale (hp/Ln, dimensionless), normalized water depth (Ht/Ln), ratio of the estimated neutral height to the total hydrostatic head at the plume source (Ln/Ht), vertical height from plume source (z, meters), normalized height (z^* = z/Ln), particle/drop Reynolds number (Re), particle/drop Sherwood number (Sh), Reynolds number normalized by its initial value (Re/Re0), Sherwood number normalized by its initial value (Sh/Sh0), plume mass flux (m), normalized plume momentum flux (M*, unitless), mass flux of discrete phase (m_b), upper limit of hp (H).
Λ (uppercase lambda) accounts for the capability of the dissolved material to provide buoyancy. For Λ = 1 the soluble material provides the same amount of buoyancy whether in the disperse phase or dissolved in the ambient water, whereas there is a loss of buoyancy upon dissolution when 0 < Λ < 1 and a gain in those fairly rare cases in which Λ > 1. Negative values of Λ signify that the dissolved material makes the ambient liquid heavier and, therefore, they amplify the loss of buoyancy associated with dissolution.
Θ (uppercase Theta): Dimensionless dissolution rate, it is the ratio of the plume rise time to the time necessary for entire dissolution.
VN: Dimensionless bubble slip velocity, it is the ratio of slip velocity of discrete phase to the characteristic plume velocity.
Notes: All parameter with * represents the corresponding normalized parameter; all parameter with subscript ‘0’ represents the parameter value at the plume source. The description of bubble plume and relevant dimensionless quantities can be found in Chu & Prosperetti (2017).
Provenance and Historical References:
Chu, S., & Prosperetti, A. (2017). Bubble plumes in a stratified environment: Source parameters, scaling, intrusion height, and neutral height. Physical Review Fluids, 2(10). doi:10.1103/physrevfluids.2.104503