The dataset includes: validation data for VDROP-J model in combined release of oil and gas underwater, simulation data of oil droplet and gas bubble size distribution from DWH blowouts. These data have been used to generate figures in the manuscript: Zhao, L., Boufadel, M.C., King, T., Robinson, B., Gao, F., Socolofsky, S.A., & Lee, K. 2017. Droplet and bubble formation of combined oil and gas releases in subsea blowouts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, In Press. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.05.010
Suggested Citation:
Lin Zhao, Michel C. Boufadel, Thomas King, Brian Robinson, Feng Gao, Scott A. Socolofsky, and Kenneth Lee. 2017. Dataset for: Droplet and bubble formation of combined oil and gas releases in subsea blowouts. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7HH6H5Z
To investigate the droplet and bubble formation in a combined oil and gas releases, such as in DWH blowout, and provide estimations of the oil and bubble size distribution during DWH blowout.
Data Parameters and Units:
Fig 3 Jet centerline velocity data, experimental and predicted data, normalized downstream distance x/D0 (dimensionless), velocity (m/s) Fig 4 bubble terminal velocity data , include experimental and simulation data, bubble diameter (mm), terminal velocity (cm/s) Fig 5 Cumulative volume fraction (cvf) data with orifice diameter of 6, 9 13.5 mm, experimental and simulation data, bubble diameter (mm) Fig 6 Cumulative volume fraction (cvf) data, experimental and simulation data, droplet and bubble diameter (mm) Fig 9 Volume fraction data with and no oil and gas interaction, simulation data, droplet diameter (mm), distance (m) Fig 10 d50 data with and no oil and gas interaction, gas volume fraction 10%, 25%, 40%, 75%, simulation data, distance from orifice (m), d50 (mm), Fig 11 d50 data with and no oil and gas interaction, 10 and 100 fold IFT (interfacial tension) reduction, simulation data, distance from orifice (m), d50 (mm) Fig 12 d50 data under the effects of initial bubble size, oil droplet and gas bubble data, distance from orifice (m), d50 (mm)