Data Parameters and Units:
Heart rate (beats per minute), pericardial and yolk sac edema (pericardial area in pixels), survival, pH, dissolved oxygen (mg/L), salinity (ppt), ammonia (µM), PAH concentrations (µg/L), Date (DD-MM-YY), period (time period), water temperature (degree C), for video and image files the file name refers to the Tank ID Dilution or Stock Code and replicate (more information can be found in the Tank ID Dilution or Stock Code.csv files) Acute (96 h) Mahi-Mahi Early Life Stage Toxicity Testing: Experiment G001 using slick (OFS) oil prepared as a high energy water-accommodated fraction (HEWAF): Control treatment = 0% oil, Treatment 2 = 0.25% Slick oil, Treatment 3 = 0.5% Slick oil, Treatment 4 = 1% Slick oil, Treatment 5 = 2% Slick oil, Treatment 6 = 4% Slick oil. Experiment G002 using slick (OFS) oil prepared as a high energy water-accommodated fraction (HEWAF): Control treatment = 0% oil, Treatment 2 = 1% Slick oil, Treatment 3 = 2% Slick oil, Treatment 4 = 4% Slick oil, Treatment 5 = 8% Slick oil, Treatment 6 = 16% Slick oil. Experiment G003 using source (MASS) oil prepared as a high energy water-accommodated fraction (HEWAF): Control treatment = 0% oil, Treatment 2 = 0.125% Source oil, Treatment 3 = 0.25% Source oil, Treatment 4 = 0.5% Source oil, Treatment 5 = 1% Source oil, Treatment 6 = 2% Source oil. Four replicates per treatment: Control: C1-C4, Treatment 1: T1-T4, Treatment 2: T5-T8, Treatment 3: T9-T12, Treatment 4: T13-T16, Treatment 5: T17-T20. Ammonia: Standard curve, Rep (replicate), Avg (average), Regression, St Dev (Standard deviation), Conc (concentration). Fluorescence: Sample type, Sample ID, Nominal Dilution (%), Peak Area for Excitation Wavelength 1, Peak Area for Excitation Wavelength 2, Blank Subtracted Sum of Peak Areas 1 and 2, Log Nominal Dilution, Log Blank Subtracted Sum of Peak Areas 1 and 2, Dilution Factor, Measured Dilution (%). PAH Analysis: Units (ug/L), Component, Dilution Factor, Reporting Limit, Detection Limit, Result, Result Notes, Spike Concentration, Percent Recovery, Acceptance Limits, Average, RPD (relative percent difference), Retention Time, Regulatory Limit. Tank ID Dilution or Stock Code: Tank ID Dilution or Stock Code, Start Date, Start time, End date, End time, Nominal Treatment Concentration, Treatment Units, Replicate number. Test Performance Monitoring: Tank ID, Date, Time, Number at test start, Number observed treatment mortalities, Number from non-treatment mortality, Number observed alive. Water Quality Monitoring: Tank ID, Date, Time, Period (Initial, 24h, 48h, 72h, 96h), Water temp. (degrees C), pH, D.O. (mg/L), Salinity (ppt), Total ammonia (uM)