Cardiac intraventricular indices including stroke volume, heart rate, cardiac output, pressures, stroke work, total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), cycle durations and contractility were collected for young adult mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) after exposure to 10% HEWAF (high energy water accomodated fraction) exposure of crude oil. Indices were collected using Scisence ADVantage Admittance PV system connected to Powerlab data acquisition hardware. This was connected to a Macintosh running Labchart v8.1.4 data acquisition software. All Labchart files were converted to .txt files. A readme file is also included for each file. Samples were sent to ALS for PAH concentration analyses.
To quantify intraventricular indices of stroke volume, heart rate, cardiac output, pressures, stroke work, cycle durations, and contractility in anesthetized yound adult mahi-mahi following 10% HEWAF exposure of OFS.
Data Parameters and Units:
Tank ID Dilution or Stock Code; Date (DD-MMM-YY); Time (HH:MM); Period, Water Temperature (temp, deg. C); pH, dissolve oxygen (D.O., mg/L); salinity (ppt); total ammonia (uM); notes; recorded by; oil type; oil loading rate (g/L); Pressure (mmHg); Volume (uL); Phase (degrees); Magnitude (uS); Temperature (Temp, dec. C); Heart Rate(HR, bpm); Flow (mL/min); SV (Flow Mean); Cardiac Output (SV*HR); Integral; Stroke Work = total work done by the ventricle to eject blood (SW, mmHg*mL); Cardiac Output = volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute (CO, mL/min); Stroke Volume = volume of blood ejected by ventricle during each contraction (SV, mL); Volume max (Vmax, mL); Volume min (Vmin, mL); Volume end systolic (Ves, mL); Volume end diastolic (Ved, mL); Maximum change in volume over time (dV/dt max, mL/s); Minimum change in volume over time (dV/dt min, mL/s); Pressure maximum (Pmax, mmHg); Pressure minimum (Pmin, mmHg); Pressure mean (Pmean, mmHg); Pressure developed (Pdev, mmHg); Pressure end systolic (Pes, mmHg); Pressure end diastolic (Ped or EDP, mmHg); Ejection Fraction (EF, %); Arterial elastance (Ea,mmHg/mL); Maximum Power (PowMax, mmHg*mL/s); Minimum change in pressure over time (dP/dt min,mmHg/s); Maximum change in pressure over time (dP/dt max or Max dP/dt,mmHg/s); Value of pressure at the point of maximum volume over time (P@dV/dt max, mmHg); Value of pressure at the point of maximum pressure over time (P@dP/dt max, mmHg); Value of volume at the point of maximum pressure over time (V@dP/dt max, mL); Value of volume at the point of minimum pressure over time (V@dP/dt min, mL); Time constant of isovolumic relaxation (Tau, ms); IRP Average (mmHg/s); WAF prep. method (HEWAF = high energy water accommodated fraction); Oil type (OFS = oil from the surface); Water/diluent volume (L); Mass of dispersant added (mg); Mass of oil added (mg); Calculated nominal concentration (mg/L); Time (HH:MM); PAH concentration (ug/L); NOT OURS = that particular sample is not ours and is another sample for another test ID Tank ID Mahi # Treatment T1 32, 33 10% HEWAF treated OFS T2 38, 39 10% HEWAF treated OFS T3 42, 43 10% HEWAF treated OFS T4 46, 48 10% HEWAF treated OFS T5 50, 51 10% HEWAF treated OFS T6 56, 57 10% HEWAF treated OFS T7 60, 61 10% HEWAF treated OFS T8 64, 65 10% HEWAF treated OFS T9 68, 69 10% HEWAF treated OFS T10 70, 71 10% HEWAF treated OFS T11 74, 75 10% HEWAF treated OFS T12 78, 79 10% HEWAF treated OFS T13 82, 83 10% HEWAF treated OFS C1 34, 35 0% HEWAF treated OFS C2 36, 37 0% HEWAF treated OFS C3 40, 41 0% HEWAF treated OFS C4 44, 45 0% HEWAF treated OFS C5 52, 53 0% HEWAF treated OFS C6 54, 55 0% HEWAF treated OFS C7 58, 59 0% HEWAF treated OFS C8 62, 63 0% HEWAF treated OFS C9 66, 67 0% HEWAF treated OFS C10 72, 73 0% HEWAF treated OFS C11 76, 77 0% HEWAF treated OFS C12 80, 81 0% HEWAF treated OFS