Laboratory measurements of captive mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) satellite tag data and videos from the time of spawning
Number of Cold Storage Files:
Cold Storage File Size:
29.77 GB
File Format:
csv, m4v
Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Relationship of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish for Validation of Ecological Risk (RECOVER)
Martin Grosell
University of Miami / Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
spawning, satellite tag, fisheries, fishery, broodstock, pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT), mahi-mahi, Coryphaena hippurus, MiniPAT
This dataset is derived from pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT) data from captive tagged adult control mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). Data included here are tag orientation files for one tagged male and one tagged female mahi-mahi kept in a 30,000 L tank at the University of Miami Experimental Hatchery from May 26-June 15, 2016. This dataset also includes feeding and spawning times, notes on behavior and swimming, notes on tag attachment, mahi-mahi weight, fork length, sex, and tag number. Additionally, video files from the time of spawning are included from two cameras positioned above the tank. Orientation files contain information on tag position relative to fish body position, i.e., the number of times the tag was upright or knocked down summed over a two-hour period. Tag position, upright or knocked down, was used as a summary statistic of acceleration to examine relationships between acceleration (tag position) and spawning and feeding.
Suggested Citation:
Schlenker, L., Grosell, M.. 2019. Laboratory measurements of captive mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) satellite tag data and videos from the time of spawning. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-6c0k-zs94
Tagging captive spawning mahi-mahi with satellite tags to examine relationships between acceleration (summarized as upright and knockdown events) and spawning and feeding.
Data Parameters and Units:
The dataset consists of video files showing spawning activity, and several excel files that are tag orientation and series data files for one tagged male and one tagged female mahi-mahi. The dataset includes readme files describing all the excel files. The excel files "Captive Female Mahi Orientation Data.csv" and "Captive Male Mahi Orientation Data.csv": DeployID (Friendly name given to the tag by the user); Ptt (Argos Platform Transmitter Terminal identifier, which is a unique number identifying your instrument); Instr (Wildlife Computers instrument family); Start (Start of the 2-hour time period in which tag orientation data is enumerated); End (End of the 2-hour time period in which tag orientation data is enumerated); Upright (Number of tag upright events summed in a two-hour period); Knockdowns (Number of tag knockdown events summed in a two-hour period); MinDry (The minimum dry sensor value observed during the previous day); MaxDry (The maximum wet dry sensor value observed during the previous day). The excel files "Captive Female Mahi Series Data.csv" and "Captive Male Mahi Series Data.csv": DeployID (Friendly name given to the tag by the user); Ptt (Argos Platform Transmitter Terminal identifier, which is a unique number identifying your instrument); DepthSensor (Indicates the resolution of the depth sensor. Typical values are 0.1m, 0.5, and 1.0m. The value in this column is blank if the gain was unavailable - in this case a 0.5-meter resolution is assumed); Source (Indicates where the data came from, or how it was generated); Day (The day the time series data pertains to); Time (The time series data pertains to); LocationQuality (Historical. No longer applicable); Latitude (Historical. No longer applicable); Longitude (Historical. No longer applicable); Depth (Sample depth in meters); DRange (+/- error band in meters for 'Depth'); Temperature (Sample temperature in degrees in Celsius); TRange (+/1 error band in degrees C for 'Temperature'). The file "Captive Mahi Fish Data.csv": Sex (Fish sex; Male/Female); Tag Number; Tag Type; Fork Length (cm); Total Length (cm); Weight (kg); Date Tagged (MM/DD/YYYY); Time Tagged (MM:SS); Tank; Air Exposure/Handling; Notes on Tag Attachment; Condition; After Release. The file "Mahi Tank Trial Behavior for GRIIDCI.csv": Date (MM/DD/YYYY); Tag ID; Sex (Fish sex; Female/Male); Fed (Yes/No); Feed Time; Spawn; Spawn Time; Notes on Spawning; Notes on Tag Attachment; Notes on Behavior and Swimming. Video files: All videos that identify time of spawning are included in this dataset though in most cases spawning (see "Mahi Tank Trial Behavior for GRIIDCI.csv" for details) was confirmed in person via the appearance of fertilized embryos in the tank and the videos may not clearly show spawning due to the difficulty in filming in the dark underwater. Two cameras were positioned in the tank. Each video is one hour and there are two videos, one from each camera, for each hour included in the dataset. The two cameras are distinguished in the file name as either Channel 1 and Channel 2 or Channel 3 and Channel 4.
A wild-caught captive male and female mahi-mahi were tagged with Wildlife Computers miniPAT pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs), measured (fork length in cm), weighed (mass in kg), and transferred to a 30,000 L temperature controlled (27 degrees Celsius) tank. The male mahi-mahi was placed in the tank on May 26, 2016, and the female mahi-mahi was placed in the tank on June 1, 2016, and the experiment was completed on June 15, 2016. An additional untagged female mahi-mahi was in the tank to maximize the number of spawns from the male mahi-mahi. Spawning times were identified through visual observation, the presence of fertilized eggs in the water, and through video surveillance. Feeding times were noted when the fish were fed each day. Throughout the experiment notes on swimming behavior, tag attachment, and tag site healing were made. At the conclusion of the experiment the tags were collected, and tag position data was downloaded from the tags. Acceleration data collected by the PSATs attached to the mahi-mahi were summarized (0 degrees is perpendicular to the body of the fish and 90 degrees is parallel) by the tags as either tag-knockdown (tag position >70 degrees) or tag-upright (tag position <70 degrees) events and were enumerated in two-hour time periods. The upright and knockdown methodology was used as a way to summarize fine scale acceleration data that cannot be effectively transmitted through the Argos satellite system for wild fish deployments. This dataset includes video files from two cameras that show the window when spawning occurred as well as tag upright and knockdown events. This dataset also includes feeding and spawning times, notes on behavior and swimming, notes on tag attachment, mahi-mahi weight, fork length, sex, and tag number.
Wildlife Computers miniPAT pop-up tag