Data Parameters and Units:
DOSS Analysis K1700505.csv and DOSS Analysis K1705411.csv: Client, Project, Service Request, Sample, Lab Code, Sample Type, Date Collected, Date Received, Date Extracted, Date Analyzed, Extraction Method, Method, Matrix, Basis, Units (ug/L, %, ug/kg), Component, Dilution Factor, Reporting Limit, Detection Limit, Result, Result Notes, Spike Concentration, Percent Recovery, Acceptance Limits, Average, RPD, Retention Time, Regulatory Limit.
Sample Inventory.csv: Sampling date (DD-MM-YYYY), Sampling time (1145), Tank ID Dilution (%) or Stock Code, Number of organisms per sample, Unique ID (103-108), Sample ID, Storage location, Notes, Recorded by.
Tank ID Dilution or Stock Code.csv: Tank ID Dilution or Stock Code (C1-3, T1-6, C1-3, T1-6), Start date (DD-MM-YYYY), Start time, End Date (DD-MM-YYYY), Nominal Treatment Concentration, Treatment Units (%), Replicate (1-3), Notes (Embryo Corexit or Larval Corexit), Recorded by.
Test Performance Monitoring.csv: Tank ID (C1-3, T1-16, C1-13, T1-6), Date (DD-MM-YYYY), Time, Number at test start, Number observed treatment mortalities, Number from non-treatment mortality, Number observed alive, Notes (24 hour embryos, 24 hour larvae), Recorded by.
WAF Preparation.csv: For WAF prep 1 and 2: prep start date, start time, end date, end time, prep method, oil type, water/diluent volume (L), mass of dispersant added (mg), calculated nominal concentration (mg/L), time of HEWAF transfer to sep. funnel, time when drain sep. funnel, CEWAF stir start time, CEWAF stir end time/settle start time, CEWAF settle end time, filtered before use (y/n), Recorded by.
Water Quality Monitoring.csv: Tank ID Dilution or Stock Code, Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Time, Period , Water temp. (Celsius), pH, D.O. (mg/L), Salinity (ppt), Total ammonia (uM), Notes (24 hour embryo or 24 hour larvae), Recorded by.
Oxygen consumption files: oxygen consumption data for mahi embryos and larvae exposed to different concentrations of dispersant (Corexit). Files are labeled by life stage tested (embryo and larvae) and date of experiment. Data is separated into Control (no dispersant), 1% or 5% dispersant concentrations. Oxygen consumption data is reported in picomole per individual (either embryo or larvae) per minute. Two different (but identically made) Loligo System microplates were used (labeled 368 or 538) to increase sample size in some experiments. Each plate had 24 separate wells which contained 125 ul of SW in each. The mean and standard error of mean are calculated for each treatment. Microplate number, wells, oxygen consumption (picomole per individual), average, standard deviation, count, standard error.