Larval sheepshead minnow (4, 6, 8 dph) were assessed for visual acuity using behavioral and morphological assays. Optomotor response was determined using a rotating drum apparatus to determine a flicker-fusion threshold. Behavioral tests were video recorded and analyzed for maximum rotational speed of larvae exhibited during the assay. Larvae were subsequently preserved and sectioned histologically to determine alteration in retinal layers due to oil exposure, with sections photographed and examined using ImageJ (v1.47). This is the first study to find physiological impairments to the visual system in larval fish and relate them to behavioral-level impacts. We found that embryonically-exposed sheepshead minnow larvae exhibited a reduced optomotor response, subsequently having reduced retinal layers important in visual function and image processing.
Suggested Citation:
Magnuson, Jason; Roberts, Aaron. 2017. Effects of weathered crude oil on visual function in sheepshead minnow. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7PK0DH5
Data Parameters and Units:
TCT.csv: Age (dph); Oil type = Oil from surface (OFS); Oil loading rate (g/L); Nominal treatment levels (% HEWAF); Volume (mL); Number of replicates; Number of organisms per tank; Temperature (deg C); Salinity; Photoperiod (hours); K1700676.xls/K1700501.xls: Client; Project; Service request; Sample; Lab code; Sample type; Date collected (MM/DD/YYYY); Date received (MM/DD/YYYY); Date extracted (MM/DD/YYYY); Date analyzed (MM/DD/YYYY); Extraction method (EPA 3510C); Method (8270D SIM); Matrix (Ocean water); Basis (NA); Units (ug/L or %); Component; Dilution factor; Reporting limit; Detection limit; Result; Result notes (J-the result is an estimated value, i-the MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference, X-see case narrative, ND-not detected); Spike concentration; Percent recovery; Acceptance limits; Average; RPD; Retention time; Regulatory limit Test Performance Monitoring Bench Sheet.csv: Tank ID (0=control, 25=25% OFS HEWAF, 50=50% OFS HEWAF); Fish number; Date (DD-MMM-YY); Time (HH:MM); Fish age (dph); Acclimation time (min); Spin direction (forward spin direction of optomotor behavioral assay = F; reverse spin direction of optomotor behavioral assay = R; not following alternating stripe in behavioral assay = N; following alternating stripe in behavioral assay = T; following in the same direction of an alternating stripe in behavioral assay = Same direction; tracking an alternating stripe in behavioral assay = T); Time in chamber (MM:SS); Follow stripe (Y/N); Max. speed (volts); Notes; Recorder; Video ID Thickness and Area retinal measurements.csv: Picture title; Date analyzed (MM/DD/YYYY); Recorder; Whole retina thickness (WR, um); Lens thickness (L, um); Ganglion thickness (G, um); Inner plexiform thickness (IP, um); Inner nuclear (IN, um); Outer plexiform thickness (OP, um); Outer nuclear thickness (ON, um); Photoreceptor layer thickness (um); Pigmented epithelium thickness (um); Whole retina area (um); Lens area (um); Ganglion area (um); Inner plexiform area (um); Inner nuclear area (um); Outer plexiform area (um); Outer nuclear area (um); Photoreceptor layer area (PL, um); Pigmented epithelium area (PE, um) Video file names: age (dph), date (DD/MMM/YY), fish number, tracking (T) or not tracking (NT) Image file names: age (dph), treatment (25% OFS, 50% OFS, or control), species (sheepshead minnow = SH), cassette number, slide number (S1-4), number of fish on specific slide -- not all fish run for behavioral work were used in histology or imaged