Suggested Citation:
Sutton, Tracey. 2017. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, Serial Sensor, and Shipboard Computer System data from R/V Point Sur cruise DP05 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, April 29th - May 12th 2017. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N75719CD
Data Parameters and Units:
.xlsx Files: EntryNum - record ID, TrawlNo - trawl ID, TrawlNo_NetNo - trawl and net #, CruiseName - cruise name, CruiseNo - cruise #, Gear - type of gear, StationID - station ID, SolarCycle - solar cycle (day/night), NetNo - net number, SampleID - sample ID, Quant or Meat - trawl purpose, SampleDate - sample date (DDMMMYY), StartLat - starting latitude (dd), StartLon - starting longitude (dd), EndLat - ending latitude (dd), EndLon - ending longitude (dd), TowStartTime_CDT - start time (HH:MM), TowEndTime_CDT - end time (HH:MM), ElapsedTime - trawl duration (HH:MM), MOC10FileName - unique file name, MinDepth - minimum depth (m), MaxDepth - maximum depth (m), DepthRange - depth range (m), DepthCode - depth code, DepthBin - depth bin, MaxWaterDepth - maximum water depth (m), Temp_min (degrees Celsius), Temp_Max (degrees Celsius), Salinity_min, Salinity_max, Net_angle, MaxDeployDepth - maximum deployment depth (m), DepthUnits - depth units, Volume - volume of water (cubic m), VolUnits - volume units, NetMeshSize - net mesh size (mm), NetMeshSizeUnits - net mesh size units, SampPres - type of sample preservation, Comments Latitude (degrees_north), Longitudes (degrees_east), Heading (degrees_true), course_over_ground (degrees), Speed_Over_Ground (knots), air_pressure (mBar), Humidity (%), Long wave radiation (W/m^2), Shortwave radiation (W/m^2), Surface PAR (W/m^2), Solar radiation (W/m^2), Transmissivity (%), Relative wind speed (knots), Relative wind direction (degree), True wind speed (knots), True wind direction (degrees), Water depth (meters), Thermosalinograph_conductivity (S/m), Thermosaliniograph_temperature (degrees Celsius), Thermosalinograph_salinity (psu), Fluorometer (Volts), Chlorophyll_a (ug/L), Volume (m^3), Mesh size (mm)