Underway data for Cruise DEEPEND DP02 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, August 8-22, 2015, Viosca Knoll Gulf of Mexico
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Deep-Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND)
Matthew Johnston
Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography
ADCP, UDAP, SCS, Ship Log, Trawl Data
Deep water sampling of in-situ seawater and associated fauna (cruise DP02, August 8-22, 2015) aboard the R/V Point Sur for an area encompassing roughly 28°N to 29°N and 87.5°W to 88.5°W. Submitted data in this dataset are ADCP, UDAS, Chlorophyll flowthrough data, environmental data, and ship logs. The biological and trawl data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC dataset R4.x257.226:0001. The MOCNESS sensor data are available in GRIIDC dataset R4.x257.226:0006.
Suggested Citation:
Sutton, Tracey. 2017. Underway data for Cruise DEEPEND DP02 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, August 8-22, 2015, Viosca Knoll Gulf of Mexico. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N73X84P9
Provide location and other ship operation parameters from DEEPEND cruise DP02 for research and publication.
Data Parameters and Units:
Underway Notes pdf: date and time (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm), latitude (degrees arc minutes), longitude (degrees arc minutes), Station names, deployment and retrievals for instruments (Trawl, Transducer, Light array), and depth. Acoustic Doppler current profiler ADCP os75bb.nc broadband and os75nb.nc narrowband netCDF files - trajectory (ID), time (days since 2015-01-01 00:00:00), longitude (lon, decimal degrees E), latitude (lat, decimal degrees N), depth (meters), Zonal velocity component (u, meters/second), Meridional velocity component (v, meters/second), Received signal strength (amp, unitless), percent good pings (pg, %), Editing flags (pflag, unitless), ship heading (degrees), ADCP transducer temperature (tr_temp, Celsius), Ship zonal velocity component (uship, meters/second), Ship meridional velocity component (vship, meters/second) Scientific Computer System SCS Furuno Cruise Data_001.elg - Date Time(MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss), Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Heading True (degrees), Velocity to Destination, Course (degrees East of North), Speed(knots), Depth (meters),Speed Log (knots), Longitudinal Water Spd (knots), Relative Wind Speed ten Second (knots), Relative Wind Direction ten Second Average(degrees), True Wind Speed ten Second (knots), True Wind Direction ten Second Average (degrees), Barometer (mbar), Relative Humidity, Temperature (degrees Celsius), Pyranometer Radiometer Feed Short Wave Radiation from PSP (Watts/meter^2), Radiometer Feed Long Wave Radiation (Watts/meter^2), Surface PAR (Watts/meters^2), Salinity (PSU), Remote Temperature (degrees Celsius), Conductivity (Siemens/meter), Primary Temperature (degrees Celsius), Transmissivity (meters/second^2), Fluorometer Voltage Average (Volts), Fluorometer Chl A (µg/L) UDAS files - Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Time (HHMMSS.SS), Relative Wind Speed (knots), Relative Wind Direction (degrees), Temperature (degrees C), Relative humidity (% relative humidity), Barometer (mBars), Pyranometer (watts/m^2), Feed date (YY/MM/DD), Feed time (HH:MM:SS), Number of samples in average, Average voltage from PIR (volts), Wave radiation (watts/m^2), PIR case/dome temperature (deg C), Short wave radiation from PSP (watts/m^2), Average circuit board temperature (deg C), Battery voltage drop (volts), Raw/Differential (number), Number of Satellites (number), Latitude (DDMM.MMMM), Longitude (DDDMM.MMMM), Altitude (meters), SOG (knots), Vertical velocity (m/s), Position dilution of precision (PDOP, number), Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP, number), Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP, number), Time dilution of precision (TDOP, number), Receiver firmware version (unitless), Status, Mode, Quality, Horizontal dilution (meters), Antenna altitude (meters), Geoidal seperation (meters), Age of data (seconds), Diff ref station ID (number), Constant (unitless), COG (deg true), COG magnetic (degrees), SOG (km/h), Heading (deg true), Seconds in the week (seconds), Pitch (degrees), Roll (degrees), Measurement root mean square (meters), Baseline root mean square (meters), Attitude reset flag (number), Last state (number), Double difference (number), Rate of turn (deg/min), Diff Ref Station ID, Water speed (knots), Water status, Ground speed (knots), Ground status, Total distance (nautical miles), Distance since reset (nautical miles), Salinity (psu), Conductivity (S/m), Depth (meters), Transducer offset (meters), Depth (feet), Depth (fathoms), Mean water temperature (deg C), Serial input fluorescence (volts), Serial input transmissometer (% of max), Serial input surface PAR (watts/m^2), Relative wind speed ten second average (knots), Relative wind direction ten second average (deg true), True wind speed ten second average (knots), Transmissometer voltage average (volts), Fluorescence Chl A (ug/l), Transmissivity (% of max), Surface PAR (uE/m^2/sec), Seawater flow (L/min) Trawl field data file - EntryNum, Trawl Number, TrawlNo_NetNo, Cruise Name, Cruise Number, Gear, StationID, SolarCycle, Net Number, SampleID, Sample Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Start Latitude (decimal degrees), Start Longitude (decimal degrees), End Latitude (decimal degrees), End Longitude (decimal degrees), Tow Start Time (CDT), Tow End Time (CDT), Elapsed Time, MOC10 File Name, Min Depth, Max Depth, Depth Range, Depth Code, Depth Bin, Max Water Depth, Max Deploy Depth, Depth Units (meters), Volume, Volume Units (m^3), Quant or Meat, Net Mesh Size, Net Mesh Size Units, Sample Preservative, Comments Water Sample Data file - ID, Identifier, Sample ID, Sample depth (m), Bottles, Feature, USF sample bottles, USF sample volume (ml), TAMUG sample bottles, TAMUG sample volume (ml), Comments Rrs, HS6, and Flow Through Field Data files - Identifier, Cruise name, Cruise number, Gear, Cast number, Date deployed, Station, Solar cycle, Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Start time (CDT), Stop time (CDT), Elapsed time, Max Water Column Depth, Max Depth Deployed, Comments, File ID
This dataset contains the shipboard data, cruise track, trawl data, and underway notes.