Inventory of Gulf oceanic fauna data including species, weight, and measurements. Meg Skansi cruises from Jan. 25 - Sept. 30, 2011 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Deep-Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND)
Tracey Sutton
Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography
taxonomy, mesopelagic
This data set includes the biological and environmental data for all of the species collected during the Meg Skansi cruises from Jan - Septemeber 2011. The main gear type used was a 10-m2 Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS). The MOCNESS was fitted with 6 nets which were opened according to the following depth scheme when bottom depth allowed: net 0 from the surface to 1500m, net 1 from 1500-1200m, net 2 from 1200-1000m, net 3 from 1000-600m, net 4 from 600-200m, and net 5 from 200m to the surface. Two trawls were conducted at each station sampled to capture diel vertical migration information; one during daylight hours between 9am-2:30pm CDT, and the other at 9pm-2:30am CDT. A table of the taxonomic hierarchy used in the nekton database will be included with references to those scientific names recently updated which are not yet reflected by the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (
Suggested Citation:
Sutton, Tracey and April Cook, Jon Moore, Tamara Frank, Heather Judkins, Michael Vecchione, Martha Nizinski, and Marshall Youngbluth. 2017. Inventory of Gulf oceanic fauna data including species, weight, and measurements. Meg Skansi cruises from Jan. 25 - Sept. 30, 2011 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7VX0DK2
Inventory of biological data for Meg Skansi cruises for use in DEEPEND publications.
Data Parameters and Units:
Worksheet MS_FieldSampleData: DeploymentID (Unique identifier for each trawl deployment); Cruise_Name (Name of the Vessel); Cruise_No (Cruise Number); FilterMethod (Filter Method); StationID (NRDA Station ID); DayNightSample (Day/Night sampling time (D = day (exclusive of twilights) and N = night (exclusive of twilights))); NetNo (Net Number (Bongo: L-left, R-Right; Neuston: 1; 1m2 MOCNESS: 0-7)); SampleID (NRDA Unique Identifier for each Sample); SampDateStart (Sample Date (DDMMMYY) when trawl was deployed); StartLat (Start Latitude in Dec degrees); StartLon (Start Longitude in Dec degrees); EndLat (End Latitude in Dec degrees); EndLon (End Longitude in Dec degrees); TowStartTime (Tow/Transect Start Time in); TowEndTime (Tow/Transect End Time in); UpperDepth (Minimum depth of net sampling); LowerDepth (Maximum depth of net sampling); DepthCode (1: 1500-1200m, 2:1200-1000m, 3:1000-600m, 4:600-200m, 5: 200-0m, 1a:1500-1000m, 1b:1300-1200m, 3a:1000-0m, 3b:800-600m, 3c:900-800m, 3d:1000-800m, 4a: 600-400m, 4b:400-200m, 4c:600-0m, 4d:500-0m, 5a:200-100m, 5b:100-0 m); DepthBin (Represents the depth bin used for analysis when binning samples; 1: 1500-1200m, 2:1200-1000m, 3:1000-600m, 4:600-200m, 5: 200-0m); MaxDeployDepth (Maximum Depth of net during that Deployment); DepthUnits (Depth Units (m)); Volume (Volume Filtered by the net calculated by the MOCNESS software); VolUnits (Volume Filtered Units); Quantifiable (Non-quantitative: Incorrect or missing flow data, the net ripped, or no sample was collected, Non-Standard: Net fished depth ranges other than strict depth bins 1-5, Quantitative: Net fished correct depth strata and has valid flow data); NetMeshSize (Net Mesh Size); NetMeshSizeUnits (Net Mesh Size Units (mm or um)); SampPres (Sample Preservation); SampNotes (Sample Notes); VolumeSource (Describes the source of the volume provided in database); StartTemp (Temperature recorded by the MOCNESS sensor in degrees Celsius when the net opens); EndTemp (Temperature recorded by the MOCNESS sensor in degrees Celsius when the net closes); AvgTemp (Average temperature recorded by the MOCNESS sensor in degrees Celsius during the course of the tow for each net); Worksheet MS_NektonDatabase: EntryNumber (Automatic number to uniquely identify entries); DataEntry_Date (Date the data was entered; can be used to identify entries created or refined after the data had been made public in the NOAA NRDA Data Integration Visualization Exploration and Reporting (DIVER) website (; Sample_ID (Unique Identifier for each Sample); Client_ID (Unique Identifier for each Sample Split (Sample_ID + Disposition)); Lowest_Taxonomic_Identification (Taxonomic identification to the level of 100% confidence); Taxon_Comments (Comments related to the identification of the animal); Counts (Count of individuals in the taxonomic group in the sample); WetWeight_kg (Wet weight (kg) recorded at sea by motion-compensating scale with a 1.0 g resolution (blank values did not register a weight)); PostForm_Weight (Weight (g) recorded after being preserved in 10% formalin); PostEth_Weight (Weight (g) recorded after being preserved in 70% ethanol); PostIso_Weight (Weight (g) recorded after being preserved in 50% isopropyl); Calculated_Biomass (Post-etoh value if measured; If not measured directly, the calculated value using a best fit trendline per taxonomic group (fish, gelzoo, cephs, shrimp) plotted from entries with both a post-formalin and post-ethanol weight); LifeHistory_Stage (Life stage of nekton if known (Larvae;Post-larvae;Transforming Juvenile;Juvenile;Adult)); Sex (Gender); TypeSpecimen_YN (True if a representative specimen was kept for identification validation); Photo_YN (True if photographed for record keeping of taxonomic representatives); Disposition (Lab or container tracking the sample; Default value=“Bucket” which means it was placed into the sample jar collected in the field and resides at NSU; “MSXXXX” or “TFXXXX” if placed into a separate jar;); Comments (Sample comments); Tag_No (Voucher tag number(s) if tissue sample was taken); LengthUnits (unit of measure for length); ST_Length_1 through ST_Length_25 (Length of organism; Squid - mantle length; fish - standard length on most fish, total length for eels; Shrimp - Carapace length); Worksheet Taxon_List: Lowest_Taxonomic_ID_Standard (The lowest taxonomic identification made); TaxonomicRank (Taxon level in a taxonomic hierarchy); FunctionalGroup (Groupings according to similar acoustic signatures; SBF –fish with a swim bladder, Crust/NSBF – crustacean or fish with no swim bladder, LgNSBF – Large fish with no swim bladder, Unclassified – acoustic signature not classified, Zooplankton – small zooplankton); Species (Species); Genus (Genus); Tribe (Tribe); Subfamily (Subfamily); Family (Family); Superfamily (Superfamily); Infraorder (Infraorder); Suborder (Suborder); Order (Order); Superorder (Superorder); Infraclass (Infraclass); Subclass (Subclass); Class (Class); Superclass (Superclass); Subphylum (Subphylum); Phylum (Phylum); Kingdom (Kingdom); Reference (Reference source for taxa without hierarchies listed in ITIS); GelZoop (Identifies gelatinous zooplankton taxa; Used for query/analysis purposes); VerticalDistPattern (1. Holoepipelagic NM; 2. Nyctopelagic Synch DM; 3. Meso Asynch VM; 4. Deep meso/bathy Asynch VM; 5. Meso NM; 6. Deep meso/bathy NM; 7. bathy NM); Habitat (deep demersal;coastal demersal;epipelagic;mesopelagic;meso/bathypelagic;bathypelagic); Metadata File: Metadata_Pisces_NDB_111416.docx