This dataset contains nematode identifications from animals isolated from Gulf of Mexico sediment samples collected in 2014 on NOAA ship Gordon Gunter. Additionally, harpacticoid copepods from the same sediment samples are identified to Family level, with selected locations in 2014 identified to genus level. NOAA station data is available.
Suggested Citation:
S. Landers, J. Sharma, J. Baguley, H. Bang. 2016. 2014 Nematode and copepod identifications from Northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf sediment. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7GF0RH2
Data Parameters and Units:
Dataset for 2014 Nematode and copepod identifications.xlsx: All copepods are identified to family, with animals from 6 select sites identified to genus. Animal densities (per 10 square centimeters) are provided for each site. Copepod families: 2014 Copepods from 16 sites, sampled in triplicate (for example, site 001 has 3 nested subsamples). Number of animals from each Family. Harpacticoid totals are represented by line 24, "Adult" Copepod genera: 2014 Copepods from 6 selected sites, sampled in triplicate (for example site, 001 has 3 nested subsamples), identified to Genus. Nematodes: 2014 nematode identifications. First 100 nematodes from each grab site identified to genus. Grab sites are in row 3. Example: site 001 is indicated in cell E3, as W1401_001 2014 NOAA CTD data: vessel, cruise, station, start time (MM/DD/YY HH:MM), end time (DD/MM/YY HH:MM), start latitude (decimal degrees), start longitude (decimal degrees), end latitude (decimal degrees), end longitude (decimal degrees), depth (m), sample depth (m), temperature, salinity, OXY-MG Animal densities per site: station, nematode (raw average), nematode (adjusted values), [Nematode raw averages from 3 samples collected at each station. Adjusted values (*1.17) express the data in # animals/ 10 cm2] copepod (raw average), copepod (adjusted values) [Copepod raw averages from 3 samples collected at each station, and confirmed as adult harpacticoids by Drs. Baguley and Bang (U. Nevada). Adjusted values (*1.17) express the data in # animals/ 10 cm2]
Sediment was collected on NOAA ship Gordon Gunter using an Ocean Instruments mini-multicorer. From each site, 3 of the multicorer tubes were subsampled with a pvc tube, coring the sample to a depth of 5cm below the water/sediment interface. The inner diameter of the pvc tube was 3.3 cm. Nematodes and copepods were isolated from the fixed sediment using Ludox centrifugation.