This data was collected between spring 2013 and fall 2014. We used Fundulus grandis embryos to test the combined effects of High Energy Water Accommodated Fraction (HEWAF) and extreme salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen. We hypothesized that sensitivity to oil would be enhanced under extreme conditions of hypoxia (DO 2 mg/L), hyposalinity (3 ppt) and high temperature (30°C). We exposed embryos (< 24 hours post fertilization) to a range of HEWAF concentrations (0 - 50 ppb total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in conjunction with different environmental conditions (DO: 2, 6 ppm; temperature: 20, 25, 30°C; salinity: 3, 7, 30 ppt) for a total of 126 conditions tested. Expression of cytochrome p450 1a and 1c (cyp1a, cyp1c) was quantified at the time of hatching. No embryos survived under the low DO conditions. With the exception of 6 ppm, 20°C and 30 ppt which resulted in a 50% lethal concentration value (LC50) of 139 ppb, all other conditions resulted in enhanced toxicity (19.7–47.1 ppb).