Sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) adult and larval exposure to crude oil and dispersed oil under normal and hypoxic conditions. This dataset includes adult mortality, egg production, hatch success, larval survival, and gene expression.
Suggested Citation:
Griffit, Joe. 2017. Sheepshead minnow exposure to crude and dispersed oil under normal and hypoxic conditions. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7WQ01SF
To examine Cyprinodon variegatus mortality at all life stages from exposure to DWH oil HEWAF, CEWAF, and Hypoxia.
Data Parameters and Units:
HEWAF: high-energy water accommodated fraction, CEWAF: chemically enhanced water accommodated fraction. Adult Mortality: Mortality from chronic adult Cyprinodon variegatus exposure to HEWAF, CEWAF, Hypoxia, or a combination of HEWAF or CEWAF + Hypoxia. Replicate, Time (hours). Egg Production per Female: Cumulative egg production over 168 hour during exposure to HEWAF, CEWAF, Hypoxia, or a combination of HEWAF or CEWAF + Hypoxia. Replicate, Time (hours). % Hatch Success Adult Chronic: Hatch success over 120 hour when exposed to HEWAF, CEWAF, Hypoxia or a combination of HEWAF or CEWAF + Hypoxia. Data indicates hatch success of eggs that were transferred from an original treatment condition (HEWAF, CEWAF, Hypoxia, or a combination of HEWAF or CEWAF + Hypoxia) into a clean control replicate to the hatch success of eggs that remained in treatment (HEWAF, CEWAF, Hypoxia, or a combination of HEWAF or CEWAF + Hypoxia). 72h Larval Survival Adult Chronic: Larval over 72hr when exposed to HEWAF, CEWAF, Hypoxia or a combination of HEWAF or CEWAF + Hypoxia. Data provides a direct comparison between larval survival within an original treatment condition (CEWAF, Hypoxia or a combination of HEWAF or CEWAF + Hypoxia) to larval survival from eggs that were hatched into a clean control replicate. Gene Expression: Two figures of qPCR results indicating an induction of the CYP1A pathway from gill samples during an adult chronic exposure to HEWAF, CEWAF, and Hypoxia and larval samples taken from an acute study where larvae were exposed to HEWA, CEWAF, and Hypoxia.