This data set supports the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of dispersants using benzene as a model hydrocarbon. Brine shrimp larvae are used as a model for marine zooplankton with two endpoints. Mortality was evaluated after 24hr exposure to benzene, dispersants, and benzene/dispersant co-exposure in the first data set with an associated set of images showing particle agglomeration on the brine shrimp surface. Heat shock protein 70 (hsp 70) expression data after 24hr exposure to benzene, dispersants, and benzene/dispersant coexposure is used as a sublethal endpoint in the second set to evaluate general stress in the brine shrimp after exposure to low doses of the same material. Dataset supporting the publication.
Suggested Citation:
Kane, Agnes, April Rodd, Robert Hurt, and Megan Creighton. 2015. Dataset for: Effects of Surface-Engineered Nanoparticle-Based Dispersants for Marine Oil Spills on the Model Organism Artemia franciscana. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7XS5SC2
Data Parameters and Units:
Folder Artemia Particle Agglomeration Images – Additional Images. 14 photographic image files of Artemia exposed to different treatments taken after 24 hours exposure at 4x magnification. File name convention: treatment concentration [20mg per L/100mg per L/200mg per L/500 mg per L/1000 mg per L] and treatment name [MSB (menadione sodium bisulfite)/ActivatedCarbon/AnnealedCarbon/AsSynethesizedCarbonBlk/FunctionalizedCarbonBlk/Benzene/AsProducedCarbon/Untreated] File: Artemia Toxicity Assessment – Mortality & Normalized Hsp70 Protein Data Set Worksheet: treatment [Benzene Alone, SX ultra activated carbon, SX Ultra Activated Carbon + 200mg/L Benzene, As Synthesized Carbon Black, As Synthesized Carbon Black + 200mg/L Benzene, Functionalized Carbon Black, Annealed Carbon Black, Functionalized Carbon Black + 200 mg/L Benzene], treatment concentration ( 0, 1, 5, 10 15, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 (mg/L = milligrams per liter)) , mortality (percent dead, n = 3 experiments each treatment, with 250+ Artemia per experiment) Hsp70 Protein Quantification Worksheet: Treatment (concentration mg/L (milligrams per liter)) and chemical, where MSB= menadione sodium bisulfite), Hsp (heat shock protein) relative to MSB (menadione sodium bisulfite). File: Raw & Normalized Hsp70 Protein Data - Data Set - Worksheets are named by dates as month, date, year experiment took place. Treatment (concentration mg/L (milligram per liter) and chemical or particle (MSB= menadione sodium bisulfite, Benzene, As Synthesized Carbon Black, Functionalized Carbon Black, Annealed Carbon Black, Activated Carbon), Hsp70 (Hsp = Heat shock protein 70) density, alpha-tubulin density, alpha tubulin as fraction of MSB tubulin for total protein normalization, Hsp normalized to alpha tubulin, Hsp fraction relative to MSB treatment.
Methods and additional details available in paper: "Effects of Surface-Engineered Nanoparticle-Based Dispersants for Marine Oil Spills on the Model Organism Artemia franciscana", doi 10.1021/es500892m.