Dataset for: Bubble bursting as an aerosol generation mechanism during an oil spill in the deep-sea environment: Laboratory experimental demonstration of the transport pathway
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Consortium for the Molecular Engineering of Dispersant Systems (C-MEDS)
Vijay T. John
Tulane University / Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
bubble bursting, aerosol generation, transport pathway, oil spill
Dataset supporting the publicaton Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2014,16, 65-73 DOI: 10.1039/C3EM00390F. This data set contains excel, image, and pdf files which support graphs and quantitative data reported in aforementioned paper in Dataset title field. It includes characteristic information (bubble size distribution, particle size distribution, and salt ejection rates) of the aerosolization reactor which is used to simulate whitecaps and understand the aerosol generation via the bubble bursting mechanism. Our work addresses the need for evaluating the pathway of aerosolization and in the following we present our results concerning the ejection of alkanes from crude oil, representing 10 % (w/w) of the Oil. In addition we also present observations with regard to the influence of the dispersant Corexit 9500A on the efficacy of aerosol generation. We tested the ejection of alkanes originating from non-weathered crude oil by injectingthe crude oil slowly into the stream of bubbles. The injection flow rate varied stepwise from 1 µL min-1 to 100 µL min-1 to approximate the capacity of the aerosolization reactor to eject material. Two series of experiments were conducted, one with only the surrogate oil provided by the BP and another with 1% Corexit 9500A and the surrogate oil. We measured the ejection rate of alkanes by using ethyl acetate as bubbler solvent. The ethyl acetate was dried over sodium sulfate and analyzed with a gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The alkane content of the particulate matter was assessed by collecting particulate matter (PM) for 15 min at 50 µL min-1 oil flow rate and dissolving the alkanes off the aluminum target with a mixture of ethyl acetate and deionized water. The alkane concentration of the ethyl acetate phase was determined after drying over anhydrous sodium sulfate via GC-MS. Measuring the conductivity of the aqueous phase and comparing to sodium chloride solutions of known concentration quantified the amount of the salt collected. The application of dispersant facilitates the aerosolization and evaporation predominantly by enhancing the dispersion of the oil in the water column and improves therefore the flotation capacity of the bubbles. This aerosolization of oil spill matter via bursting bubbles of white caps might be of particular importance for the fate of semi-volatile organic compounds as dissolution, microbial degradation, and evaporation are negligible for these compounds.
Suggested Citation:
Avij, Paria, and Franz Ehrenhauser. 2014. Dataset for: Bubble bursting as an aerosol generation mechanism during an oil spill in the deep-sea environment: Laboratory experimental demonstration of the transport pathway. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7GQ6VQ1
To demonstrate a solubility and volatility independent transport pathway for alkanes by aerosolization via bursting bubbles.
Data Parameters and Units:
1. Bubble size distribution-pictures/ 1.a. Bubble size distribution.xlsx-- * [Frit Bubbles, 5 LPM, 7 LPM, 9 LPM] bubble flow rates: Label, File name, Area (mu*m^2), Mean, Min, Max, Diameter (mu m), Diameter (mm). * Summary of the bubble size distribution: Effect of bubble air flow rate on bubble size distribution (first set of experiment). Bubble flow rate (LPM), Averaged bubble size (mm), Standard deviation, Median (mm), 10th percentile (mm), 90th percentile (mm). 1.b. CIMG0260.JPG, CIMG0348.JPG, CIMG0353.JPG, CIMG0441.JPG. 2. Figure4 excel files/ 2.a. * Concentration of standard solutions: Standard nominal Concentration (mg/L), Volume added (mL), Total volume (mL), Weight of empty flask with cap (g), Weight after adding M.S* (g), Weight of final volume (g), standard concentration considering ρ (mg/L), reverse of H column. * Summary: Calibration_curves10-24.xlsx-- Calibration curve Graphs through 6 lower Concentrations. Compound, intercept, s(y), slope, ±, Limit of detection, R^2. * Peak Area 1, 2, 3: Concentration [20, 10, 4, 2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.04] (mg/L), Compound, Time, Area, Height, Width, Symmetry. 2.b. Preliminary surrogate oil 1%Corexit 9500 ejection rate experiment.xlsx-- * GC-FID Calibration curve: Compound, intercept, s(y), slope, ±, Limit of detection, R^2. * Salt solution calibration curve: Salt solution concentration (mM), Empty flask (g), weight with flask after addition of salt/mother solution (g), Solution final weight with container (g), Salt / mother solution added amount (g), Solution final weight (g), Concentration (µgsalt/gsolution), Conductivity (µs). * Salt ejection rate: Initial mass for next step (g), Mass after wash (g), Measured Mass (g), Conductivity (µs), solution conc.1 (µg salt /g solution ) mass1 (µg), disposed mass (µg), ejected mass (µg) * C10-C28 ejection rates (mu g/min). 2.c. Preliminary surrogate oil ejection rate experiment.xlsx-- * GC-FID Calibration curve: Compound, intercept, s(y), slope, ±, Limit of detection, R^2. * Salt solution calibration curve: Salt solution concentration (mM), Empty flask (g), weight with flask after addition of salt/mother solution (g), Solution final weight with container (g), Salt / mother solution added amount (g), Solution final weight (g), Concentration (µgsalt/gsolution), Conductivity (µs). * Salt ejection rate: Initial mass for next step (g), Mass after wash (g), Measured Mass (g), Conductivity (µs), solution conc.1 (µg salt /g solution ) mass1 (µg), disposed mass (µg), ejected mass (µg) * C10-C28 ejection rates (mu g/min). 3. Figure5 excel files/ 3.a. alkanes from the oil mousse_083013.xlsx-- * Calibration Curves: concentration, Area (mu*m^2). * Oil Mousse: Area, concentration (ppm mu-g/g), mass (mu-g), ejection rate (mu-g/min), concentration in (gas phase / liquid phase), relative concentration (g/L). 3.b. Alkane's vapor pressure caluclation.xlsx-- Vapor pressure calculation: Alkane, Tc/K, Pc/MPa, a, b, c, d, ω, Tr, τ, ln(P/Pc), Pvap(MPa). 3.c. Calibration curves for GC-MS03-21-2013.xlsx-- * Concentration of standard solutions: Alkane Standard Concentration (mg/L), Volume added (g), solution final weight (mL), Total volume (g), solution concenration. * Summary: Calibration_curves10-24.xlsx-- Calibration curve Graphs through 6 lower Concentrations. Compound, intercept, s(y), slope, ±, Limit of detection, R^2. * [Methyl octacosanoate, Methyl arachidate, Methyl decanoate, methyl octanoate] concentration (mg/L), Peak Area (mu*m^2), intercept, s(y), slope, ±, Limit of detection, R^2. * Peak Area 1, 2, 3, 4: Concentration [20, 10, 5, 2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02] (mg/L), Compound, Time, Area, Height, Width, Symmetry. 3.d. Figure 5 excel files.xls-- * GC-FID Calibration curve: Compound, intercept, s(y), slope, ±, Limit of detection, R^2. * Results of experiments [particle phase, vapor+particle phase]: Ejection rate (mu-g/min), Average Ejection rate, Averaged alkane concentration in gas, Alkane concentration (µg alkane/L solvent), Vapor Pressure pvap (Pa), C gasphase/particlephase/C oil, oil density. * Surrogate oil concentration: Compound, Time, Area (mu*m^2), Height, Width, Symmetry. 3.e. Particulate phase evaluation of oil injection experiment-corrected by IST calculation.xlsx-- * GC-MS Calibration curve: Graphs through 6 lower Concentrations.Compound, intercept, s(y), slope, ±, Limit of detection, R^2. * Internal std concentration: [Methyl octacosanoate, Methyl decanoate, Methyl arachidate, Methyl octanoate], added (g), Final weight, Concentration (mg/L) * alkane ejected mass calculation, mass of collected alkanes (mu-g), * salt solution calibration curve: Salt solution concentration (mM), Empty flask (g), weight with container after addition (g), Final weight with container (g), Added amount (g), Solution final weight (g), Concentration (µg salt/g solution), Conductivity (µs). * calculation of ejected NaCl Collection time (min), Mass after wash (g), Measured Mass (g), Conductivity (µs), solution concentration (µg salt /g solution), Ejected mass (µg), Ejection rate (µg/min), Total ejection rate (µg/min). 4. Figure6-EDS image/ Element [C K, NaK, MgK, AlK, ClK], Phase (between 0.0 and 2.6), Weight %, Atomic %, Net Int., Net Int. Error. 5. Particle size distribution-pictures/ 5.a. Particl size distribution.xlsx-- * [5 LPM, 7 LPM, 9 LPM] particle size distribution: Label, File name, Area (mu*m^2), Mean, Min, Max, Diameter (mu m), Diameter (mm). * Summary of the particle size distribution at 10 minute collection times and different bubble air flow rates. Bubble flow rate (LPM), Averaged bubble size (mm), Standard deviation, Median (mm), 10th percentile (mm), 90th percentile (mm). 5.b. JPGS 6. salt ejection rates/ * [5 LPM, 7 LPM, 9 LPM] salt ejection rates: time (min), conductivity (mu seconds), Mass (mu g). * Salt solution calibration curve: Salt solution concentration (mM), Empty flask (g), weight with container after addition (g), Final weight with container (g), Added amount (g), Solution final weight (g), Concentration (µ g salt/ g solution), Conductivity (µs). * Calculation salt ejected mass [5 LPM, 7 LPM, 9 LPM], Initial mass for next step (g), Mass after wash (g), Measured Mass (g), Conductivity (µs), solution conc.1 (µ g salt /g solution), mass1 (µg), disposed mass (µg), ejected mass (µg). * Summary: Experiment, Slope, +-,Intercept, +-, S(y), R^2, Ejection rate through column (mu g/min), STD.