We established 30 closely-located Spartina alterniflora dominated salt marsh sites on 12-13 November 2010 along the northern edge of Bay Batiste in the southeast Louisiana estuary of Barataria Bay. There are a total of 10 groups of 3 sites each. The three sites within each group of 3 were 10 m apart. We collected a surface oil sample within the top 5 cm of soil, one meter from the marsh edge, from each site in February 2011, August 2012, and September 2012. The sites were divided into high and low oiled sites. The 13 sites where the PAH concentration was < 1000 ug kg-1 were considered ‘low’ or ‘background’ oil sites and used as the control or reference sites. The 17 sites where the PAH concentration was >1000 ug kg-1 were placed in the high oiled category. The horizontal shoreline erosion, soil strength, percent cover of S. alterniflora, and marsh edge overhang were sampled at each site. We placed permanent PVC poles 1.5 m and 4.5 m in a straight line into the marsh from the shoreline edge. Edge erosion and gain were measured five times using these poles as reference points. Soil strength and percent cover of S. alterniflora were measured at the 1.5 m pole until the edge eroded past this location; after this occurred, the readings were taken 1.5 m into the marsh from the marsh edge.
Suggested Citation:
McClenahan, Giovanna. 2013. Post-Deepwater Horizon oil spill erosion data, Bay Batiste, LA, 2010 to 2012.. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7TD9V7W
Data Parameters and Units:
Order west to east, Site, latitude (decimal degrees), longitude (decimal degrees), Oil category (low or high), Aromatics concentration Feb2011 (ug kg-1), Alkanes concentration Feb2011 (mg kg-1), Total erosion Nov2010-Aug2012 (cm), Amount of erosion Nov 2010-Feb2011 (cm), Amount of erosion Feb2011-July2011 (cm), Amount of erosion July2011-Oct2011 (cm), Amount of erosion Oct2011-May2012 (cm), Amount of erosion May2012-Aug2012, Total erosion rate per year (cm), Nov2010-Feb2011 erosion rate per year (cm), Feb2011-July2011 erosion rate per year (cm), July2011-Oct2011 erosion rate per year (cm), Oct2011-May2012 erosion rate per year (cm), May2012-Aug2012 erosion rate per year (cm), Percent Cover at pole Nov2010 (%), Percent Cover at pole May2011 (%), Percent Cover at pole Oct2011 (%), Percent Cover at pole May2012 (%), Percent Cover at pole Aug2012 (%), Overhang Nov2010 (cm), Overhang July2011 (cm) Overhang Oct2011 (cm), Overhang May2012 (cm), Overhang Aug2012 (cm), Overhang Sept2012 (cm), Shear Vane Average 0-50 Nov2010 (kPa), Shear Vane Average 60-100 Nov2010 (kPa), Shear Vane Avg 0-100 Nov2010 (kPa).