This data set contains data from analyzed Sediment Profile Images (SPI) collected from Wormcams deployed directly adjacent marshes in Terrebonne Bay. Wormcam hydrographic data and images are available through GRIIDC Unique Dataset Idenitifers (UDIs) R1.x139.144:0024 and R1.x139.144:0007, respectively.
Suggested Citation:
Sturdivant, Samuel Kersey. 2016. Analyzed Sediment Profile Image (SPI) parameters for Wormcam deployments in Terrebonne Bay, LA, in 2012 and 2013. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N70863B5
The intent of this data was to serve as a time-series account of the physical and biological dynamics of the subsurface benthic environment at subtidal sites directly adjacent to marshes in Terrebonne Bay, LA.
Data Parameters and Units:
Worksheet “Clean site” and “Oiled site” have the same data parameters: Parameter Descriptions: Image Identifier – SPI data identifier, consisting of image YYYYMMDDHHMMSS Filename Identifier – Subset of the filename character string, to better assist in finding the associated worm cam image. The Filename identifier is preceded by “WormcamX.***” (where X=wormcam number and *** is the 3 letter abbreviation of the day of the week) and followed by the default suffix “.trig+0.jpg” Δ surface 1 (cm) - change in surface sediment measured in the left 1/3 of the image Δ surface 2 (cm) - change in surface sediment measured in the middle 1/3 of the image Δ surface 3 (cm) - change in surface sediment measured in the right 1/3 of the image mean Δ surface (cm) – mean of Δ surface 1,2,3 sd Δ surface (cm) - standard deviation of Δ surface 1,2,3 rpd 1 (cm) - depth of redox potential discontinuity measured in the left 1/3 of the image (measured from surface to beginning of rpd (even if there's detritus)) rpd 2 (cm) - depth of the redox potential discontinuity measured in the middle 1/3 of the image (measured from surface to beginning of rpd (even if there's detritus)) rpd 3 (cm) - depth of the redox potential discontinuity measured in the right 1/3 of the image (measured from surface to beginning of rpd (even if there's detritus)) mean rpd depth (cm) – mean of rpd 1,2,3 sd rpd depth (cm) - standard deviation of rpd 1,2,3 burrow 1 (cm) - maximum depth of burrowing structures measured in the left 1/3 of the image burrow 2 (cm) - maximum depth of burrowing structures measured in the middle 1/3 of the image burrow 3 (cm) - maximum depth of burrowing structures measured in the right 1/3 of the image mean burrow depth (cm) - mean of burrow depth 1,2,3 sd burrow depth (cm) - standard deviation of burrow depth 1,2,3 Δ detritus 1 (cm) - change in detritus at the sediment surface (if present) in the left 1/3 of the image Δ detritus 2 (cm) - change in detritus at the sediment surface (if present) in the middle 1/3 of the image Δ detritus 3 (cm) - change in detritus at the sediment surface (if present) in the right 1/3 of the image Mean Δ detritus (cm) – mean of Δ detritus 1,2,3 sd Δ detritus (cm) – standard deviation of Δ detritus 1,2,3 epibenthos/fish present (0,1) - presence absence represented in binary form # feeding voids - wind velocity (mph) - mean wind velocity max wind velocity (mph) - wind direction (cardinal direction) - values are N, S, E, W or a mix of these cardinal directions Worksheet Wormcam Hydrocarbon Data Parameter Descriptions: Site - Producer defined name of general location sampled (TB*= Terrebonne Bay) LAT (decimal degrees) - Latitude of each transect in decimal degrees LONG (decimal degrees) - Longitude of each transect in decimal degrees Hypothesized Site Exposure Type - Producer defined classification of the site at the beginning of the project, in regards to possible Macondo oil exposure Date collected – date the hydrocarbon sample was collected Total Alkanes (ng/L) - Concentration of Alkane hydrocarbons in sediment samples collected in the same area as the wormcams, expressed in nanograms per liter. Total Aromatics (ng/L) - Concentration of Aromatic hydrocarbons in sediment samples collected in the same area as the wormcams, expressed in nanograms per liter.
The cameras were set to take a burst of 8 to 12 images, about 15-seconds apart every half hour. Images were analyzed at a resolution of every 5 hours. SPI from Wormcam were analyzed by image technicians using Adobe Photoshop and ImageJ. QA/QC was performed by Dr. Sturdivant.