The dataset compares the observed and simulated hypoxic zone extent for the 2002 LaTex shelf wide cruise (July,21-26). The data includes bathymetry, the computational grid, spatial distribution of dissolved oxygen (May-October), and the effect of five tropical storms. Bathymetry and coastline data were downloaded from the National Geophysical Data Center to build the computational grid and water depth. Wind forcing and meteorological data were downloaded from the National Data Buoy Center and river discharge from the USGS US Army Corps of Engineers to drive the model simulations. We used the dissolved oxygen data downloaded from LUMCON to calibrate the model prediction.
Suggested Citation:
Wang, Lixia and Dubravko Justic. 2014. Observed and simulated hypoxic zone extent for the 2002 LaTex shelf wide cruise (July, 21-26). Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N74Q7RW9
Patterns of temporal and spatial variability in hypoxia on the inner Louisiana–upper Texas (LaTex) shelf were examined using FVCOM LaTex, an unstructured grid, three-dimensional, hydrodynamic-water quality model.
Data Parameters and Units:
NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), National Buoy Data Center (NBDC), Louisiana University Marine Consortium (LUMCON), USGS US Army Corps of Engineers. Fig1_dep_grd.nc-- x (Dimension 14740x1; values are meters), y (meters), lon (d.deg.), lat (d.deg.), h (bathymetry meters), nv (Dimension 14740x3; values are indices into lat,lon,h). The first 12640 data points are grid points and the last 2100 data points are the cruise measurements. Fig6_bottom_doxy_map.nc-- latitude (d.deg.), longitude (d.deg.), Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) (higher resolution version of bottom_doxy_fig7c.nc) bottom_doxy_fig[3a,3b,3c,3d,3f,3g,3h,7a,7b,7c,7d,7e,7f,9a,9b,9c,9d,9e,9f].nc-- Distance at north-south direction (meters), Distance at west-east direction (meters), Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) do_map.dat-- lat, lon, Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) for the grid points. netcdf_format.f90-- code convert formats from fortran into netCDF.