The objectives of this project included using fish traps and demersal longlines to describe and examine differences in species assemblage and relative abundance of demersal fishes in the Gulf of Mexico. This dataset reports the samples collected and associated data from July 1 to July 9 2015. For some species, biological data such as length and weights are reported. Additional data include the dates, set locations (latitudes, longitudes), depth, water temperature, gear deployed and bait used. These data were collected during the R/V Apalachee cruise AP-1509.
Suggested Citation:
Chris Malinowski. 2015. Longline sample data collected during R/V Apalachee cruise AP-1509 in the DeSoto Canyon from 2015-07-01 to 2015-07-09. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7416V2H
To evaluate the biological diversity and trophic interactions among organisms ranging from primary producers to apex predators and from the deep-sea benthos to the coast. These data contribute to a food web model used to determine risks to ecosystem structure and function and regional economies following from extreme anthropogenic events (e.g., discharged and background hydrocarbon) and adaptive management strategies.
Data Parameters and Units:
File AP-1509 metadata: vessel name; event_id, event date (DD-MMM-YY); set (set code); Deep-C station (Deep-C station code); latitude_start (decimal degrees); longitude_start (decimal degrees); latitude_finish (decimal degrees); longitude_finish (decimal degrees); TDR (Serial number for Lotek temperature/depth recorder deployed on line); DO meter = whether or not a DO meter (dissolved oxygen meter) was deployed (true or false=yes or no); DO (dissolved oxygen) value (ug/l); DO (dissolved oxygen) value (%); Temp = temperature (degrees Celsius); Depth_min = minimum depth according to ship; later verified with TDR (meters); Depth_max = maximum water depth (meters) according to ship; later verified with TDR; Actual depth (m) = actual longline depth (meters); Time_in = (hhmm); Time_set (hhmm); Time_haul (hhmm); Time_out (hhmm); Gear_Effort (longline) = sizes and numbers of hooks used per longline set; Gear_Effort (trap) = number and size of traps used per set; Bait = bait type used; SeaState (feet) = estimated wave height; Wind speed (knots) = estimated wind speed; Set comments = additional notes/measurements pertaining to each set; Sediment sample = whether or not a sediment was collected at the site of the set (true or false=yes or no). File AP-1509 sample data: event date (DD-MMM-YY); event_id (event identification code); Set (set code); Deep-C station = Deep-C station code, ID_Data_sample = specimen code (used to relate each sample back to a unique specimen identification code); ID_species = species name; sex (male/female); BW Weight (kg) = body weight; liver weight (g) = wet weight of liver; SL (cm) = teleost standard length or shark pre-caudal length; DW (cm) = batoid disk width; CW (cm) = crustaceans carapace width, CL (cm) = crustacean carapace length; FL (cm) = teleosts/sharks fork length or batoids disk length; TL (cm) = teleosts/batoids total length or sharks stretched total length: Mature (Y/N) = yes or no if mature; Maturity State (MAT/JUV/NEO/PUP/YOY) = mature (MAT), juvenile (JUV), neonate (NEO), pup (PUP), young of year (YOY); Hook/Trap Size, columns W through AH indicate if samples were taken for analysis; Tag # = external tag identification number; Hook/Trap Size = type of trap or hook size! each specimen was collected with; Condition (Condition if released) = E=excellent: struggle during work-up, strong directional swimming upon release, G=good: little struggle, strong swimming upon release, mild disorientation possible, F=fair: relatively weak and disoriented swimming upon release, P=poor: some movement indicating life (e.g. nictitating membranes, gills) but very weak to no active swimming upon release, DOA=dead: no movements or life signs; SI = Biopsy for stable isotope analyses (# of samples); GN = Genetics samples (# of samples); RP = Reproductive tract (Y if collected); WM = White muscle for purposes other than stable isotopes – e.g. mercury analyses (# of samples); BD = Blood (# of vials); BI = Bile (Y if collected); ST = Stomach (Y if collected); RG=rectal gland; AG = Aging structure (S=spines, R=rays, O=otoliths, V=vertebrae); Gill-gill sample collected (Y/N); Heart sample collected (Y/N); Other = Any additional tissues collected (e.g. radiocarbon);! SP = Specimen; whole specimen retained after sampling (Y/N); Vou = Voucher; specimen is a voucher retained for museum curation (Y/N); Specimen Comments = any additional specimen comment; CO=clasper outside (measurement, mm); CI=clasper inside (measurement, mm); G=gill; H=heart; OG=oviducal gland; MOD=maximum ovum diameter; UW-uterine width (mm); FB=football ova; YFS=yellow flaccid sacs; SRB=small round bodies; VDPC=vas deferens partially coiled; LAB=lost at boat; VDMC=vas deferens mostly coiled. Files DC-15-035 through DC-15-072 – each file reports data from a TDR (temperature depth recorder) that was deployed with an individual set: Rec# (record #), Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Time (HH:MM:SS), Pressure (dBars), IntTemp [C] =temperature (degrees Celsius). Files are named using Deep-C set numbers and site; associated data (e.g., latitude/longitude) for each set number can be found in “AP-1509 sample data” and “AP-1509 metadata”.