Data Parameters and Units:
Vessel (R/V Apalachee) Event ID (AP-1410) Event Date (DD-Month-YY) Set (DC-yearYY-SetNumber) Deep-C Station (NA, NB, DA, DB, DC, DD, DE, DF, DH, SH-WA, WDA, DDC; 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) Latitude_start (decimal degrees) Longitude_start (decimal degrees) Latitude_finish (decimal degrees) Longitude_finish (decimal degrees) TDR # Serial number for Lotek temperature/depth recorder deployed on line (B, C, or D) Temperature (degrees Celsius) Depth min (meters) Depth max (meters) Actual Depth (meters) Time in (mmss) Time set (mmss) Time haul (mmss) Time out (mmss) Longline/Trap/Both/Random Gear Effort longline (hook sizes and count) Gear Effort (trap) Bait (Euthynnus, Carcharhinus, Brevoortia) SeaState (feet) Wind speed (knots) Set Comments Sediment sample (true, false) ID_Data_sample (DC-yearYY-sampleID) ID_Species (scientific name) [Anemone, Bathynomus giganteus, Caranx crysos, Carcharhinus plumbeus, Carcharhinus signatus, Centrophorus cf granulosus, Centrophorus niaukang, Chaceon quinquedens, Cheilopogon melanurus, Coryphaenoides mexicanus, Coryphaenoides rudis, Dasyatis centroura, Deania profundorum, Echeneis naucrates, Eptatretus minor, Eptatretus springeri, Galeocerdo cuvier, Helicolenus dactylopterus, Heterocarpus sp., Hexanchus griseus, Laemonema goodebeanorum, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, Laemonema goodebeanorum, Mustelus canis, Myxine mcmillanae, Mustelus canis, Nephropsis aculeata, Ophichthus rex, Paraliparis calidus, Parapenaeus politus, Paraliparis sp., Pontinus longispinis, Raymanninus schmitti, Seriola dumerili, Sphyrna lewini, Squalus cubensis, Squalus mitsukurii, Stylocidaris affinis, Synaphobranchus oregoni, Thunnus atlanticus, unidentified mussel, Urophycis cirrata, Urophycis floridana] Sex (male, female) BW Body Weight (kg) Liver Weight (g) SL Standard Length for teleosts and pre-caudal length for sharks (cm) DW Disk Width for batoid (cm) CW Carapace Width for crustaceans (cm) CL Carapace Length for crustaceans (cm) FL Fork Length for telosts/sharks and disk length for batoid (cm) TL Total Length for teleosts/batoids/crustaceans and stretched total length for sharks (cm) Mature (Yes, Now) Maturity State (Mature, Juvenile, Neoteny, Pup, YOY Young of Year) Tag number (dart or satellite tag number if released) Hook/Trap Size (hook size, small/medium/large trap, rod and reel, dip net) Condition swimming behavior if released (E=excellent, G=good, F=fair, P=poor, DOA=dead) SI Stable Isotope Analysis biopsy (number of samples) GN Genetics (number of samples) RP Reproductive Tract (Yes if collected) WM White Muscle for purposes other than SI e.g. mercury analyses (number of samples) BD Blood (number of vials) BI Bile (Yes if collected) ST Stomach (Yes if collected) AG Aging Structure (S=spines, R=rays, O=otoliths, V=vertebrae) Other 1, Other 2 additional tissues collected (FSU liver, UNF liver, jaw, parasites) SP Whole Specimen retained (Yes, No) VOU Voucher Sample for museum curation (Yes if collected) Notes