This dataset reports species caught using longline and trap sets during the R/V Apalachee cruise AP-1407 from May 28-30, 2014. The main objective of this project was to use large chevron traps and demersal longlines to describe and examine differences in the species assemblages and relative abundances of demersal fishes associated with the eastern and western walls of DeSoto Canyon and the adjacent continental slope (75-2000 m deep). The other objectives were to collect liver and bile samples from dominant species to examine spatial and depth-mediated differences in exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), to collect muscle tissue from all species for stable isotope analyses including using radiocarbon ratios to examine attenuation of long-term exposure to hydrocarbons, and to collect specimens and samples (including curation of new species) to aid in resolving phylogenetic uncertainties and understanding life history traits in collected taxa. This dataset contains the metadata and sample data associated with the above objectives.
Suggested Citation:
Brooke, Sandra. 2015. Longline trap data collected during R/V Apalachee cruise AP-1407 in the DeSoto Canyon from 2014-05-28 to 2014-05-30. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7N014H2
To evaluate the biological diversity and trophic interactions among organisms ranging from primary producers to apex predators and from the deep-sea benthos to the coast. These data contribute to a food web model used to determine risks to ecosystem structure and function and regional economies following from extreme anthropogenic events (e.g., discharged and background hydrocarbon) and adaptive management strategies.
Data Parameters and Units:
Event ID [AP-1407] Vessel [R/V Apalachee] Event Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Set (DC-TR-14-0##) Deep-C Station (Pinnacles ##) Latitude start (decimal degrees) Longitude start (decimal degrees) Latitude finish (decimal degrees) Longitude_finish (decimal degrees) Temperature Depth Recorder TDR Temperature [blank] Depth min [blank] Depth max [blank] Actual Depth (meters) [blank] Time in (minutes) Time set (minutes) Time haul (minutes) Time out (minutes) Longline/Trap/Both/Random [trap] Gear Effort (longline) [blank] Gear Effort (trap) (Large Chevron Trap, small (medium) chevron, -sand bag weight/no anchor) Bait (Brevoortia, Penaeus, MVEN SeaState (feet) [blank] Wind speed (knots) [blank] Set Comments Sediment sample (FALSE, TRUE) Species (scientific name) [Calamus leucosteus, Centropristis ocyurus, Centropristis philadelphica, Dardanus insignis, Epinephelus morio, Gymnothorax kolpos, Lutjanus campechanus, Mycteroperca microlepis, Mycteroperca venenosa, Pagrus pagrus, Pareques umbrosus, Portunus spinicarpus, Prionotus sp., Seriola dumerili, Sphoeroides spengleri, Stenotomus caprinus, Urophycis floridana] Sex [male, female] BW Body Weight (kilograms) SL Standard Length for teleosts and pre-caudal length for sharks (centimeters) FL Fork Length for teleosts/sharks and disk length for batoids (centimeters) TL Total Length for teleosts/batoids/crustaceans and stretched total length for sharks (centimeters) Mature [Yes, No] Maturity Stage [developing] Tag # [blank] Hook/Trap Size [medium chevron, large chevron] Condition [blank] SI Biopsy for stable isotope analyses (# of samples) GN Genetics samples (# of samples) RP Reproductive tract (Yes, if collected) WM White muscle for purposes other than stable isotopes -- e.g. mercury analyses (# of samples) BD Blood (# of vials) BI Bile (Yes, if collected) ST Stomach (Yes, if collected) AG Aging Structure (Spines, Rays, Otoliths, Vertebrae) Other 1 [FSU liver x 2, FSU liver-no PCB, blank] Other 2 [UNF liver, blank] SP Whole Specimen retained after sampling (Yes, No) VOU Voucher Specimen retained for museum curation (Y, if collected) Specimen Comments