This dataset contains conductivity, temperature, and depth data collected along a transect from Panama City to the Deepwater Horizon wreckage area following the DeSoto Canyon during the R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB-1310, February 5th to 9th, 2013. CTD data from eight sample sites are included. Additionally, water samples collected were analyzed in the lab for methane concentration.
Suggested Citation:
Huettel, Markus. 2014. Conductivity, temperature, depth, and methane data from R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB-1310, February 5-9, 2013. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7W9573Q
To evaluate the biological diversity and trophic interactions among organisms ranging from primary producers to apex predators and from the deep-sea benthos to the coast. These data contribute to a food web model used to determine risks to ecosystem structure and function and regional economies following from extreme anthropogenic events (e.g., discharged and background hydrocarbon) and adaptive management strategies.
Data Parameters and Units:
CTD data: Scan Count, Pressure Strain Gauge (db), Temperature (ITS-90, deg C), Conductivity (S/m), Oxygen raw SBE 43 (V), Beam Attenuation Chelsea/Seatech (1/m), Fluorescence WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL (mg/m^3), Fluorescence WET Labs CDOM (mg/m^3), Turbidity WET Labs ECO (NTU), Depth (salt water, m), Salinity Practical (PSU), Density (sigma-theta, Kg/m^3), Oxygen SBE 43 (umol/Kg), Potential Temperature (ITS-90, deg C), Sound Velocity (Chen-Millero, m/s). Bottle data: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Latitude (decimal degrees), longitude (decimal degrees), Bottle, Sigma-00, Sbeox0Mm/kg, Sal00 = Salinity (PSU), Potemp09 = potential temperature (degrees Celsius), SvCM, Scan, PrSM = pressure (db), DepSM = Depth (meters), TO90C = temperature (Celsius), C0S/m, Bat, FIECO-AFL = fluorescence (mg/m^3), WetCDOM = chromophoric dissolved organic matter (mg/m^3) , TurbWetntuO, CH4= methane (nmol/l)