This version of the Texas A&M Oil spill (Outfall) Calculator (TAMOC) was modified from TAMOC version 0.1.17 as described in the article: Gros, J., Socolofsky, S. A., Dissanayake, A. L., Jun, I., Zhao, L., Boufadel, M. C., Reddy, C. M., Arey, J. S., "Petroleum dynamics in the sea and influence of subsea dispersant injection during Deepwater Horizon", Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017. This version of TAMOC includes a plume model, aqueous dissolution, slip velocities of fluid particles, a model of the deep-water intrusion and enables two-phase fluid particles. Properties of fluid particles are updated in the model as a function of local pressure, temperature, and composition. These files model the fate of the different petroleum compounds using 279 components. The input files are parameterized with data for June 8, 2010.
Data Parameters and Units:
time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 0:00), latitude (degrees north), longitude (degrees east), temperature (K), salinity (psu), pressure (Pa), wetlab fluorescence (kg/m^3), density (kg/m^3), oxygen (kg/m^3), nitrogen (kg/m^3), ua (m/s), va (m/s), initial value of the x-coordinate (x0, m), initial value of the y-coordinate (y0, m), initial depth below the water surface (z0, m), orifice diameter (D, m), discharge velocity (Vj, m), discharge vertical angle to horizontal (phi_0, rad), discharge horizontal angle to x-axis (theta_0, rad), discharge salinity (Sj, psu), discharge temperature (Tj, K), discharge tracer concentration (cj, nondimensional), ambient temperature at the release point (Ta, K), ambient salinity at the release point (Sa, psu), ambient pressure at the release point (P, Pa), SBM status (true/false), Simulation maximum duration (dt_max, s), maximum distance along centerline (sd_max, nondimensional), Lagranian plume model state space (q, variable), dispersed_phases particle type (particle_type), solubility (issoluble, true/false), fluid is air (true/false), fluid status (true/false), compressibility (true/false), calculate delta (true/false), external chem database (true/false), fluid phase (fp_type, nondimensional), particle density (rho_p, kg/m^3), API Gravity (gamma, deg API), thermal expansion coefficient (beta, /Pa), isothermal compressibility coefficient (co, /K), interfacial tension reduction factor (sigma_correction, nondimensional), group contribution method delta groups (delta_groups, nondimensional), initial mass flux (m0, kg/s), initial temperature (T0, K), mass transfer reduction factor (K, nondimensional), heat transfer reduction factor (K_T, nondimensional), dissolution criteria (fdis, nondimensional), hydrate formation time (t_hyd, s), initial bubble number flux (nb0, /s), number of bubbles following plume element (nbe, count), bubble spreading ratio (lambda_1, nondimensional), particle status (integrate, true/false), tracking state (true/false), farfield simulation (true/false), time (tp, s), x-coordinate (xp, m), y-coordinate (yp, m), z-coordinate (zp, m), particle exit time (te, s), particle exit x-coordinate (xe, m), particle exit y-coordinate (ye, m), particle exit z-coordinate (ze, m), molecular weight (M, kg/mol), pressure at the critical point (Pc, Pa), temperature at the critical point (Tc, K), molar volume at the critical point (Vc, m^3/mol), boiling point (Tb, K), molar volume at the boiling point (Vb, m^3/mol), acentric factor (omega, nondimensional), Henrys law constant at 298.15 K (kh_0, kg/m^3 Pa), negative of the enthalpy of solution / R (neg_dH_solR, K), specific volume at infinite dilution (nu_bar, m^3/mol), diffusivity model coefficient B (B, m^2/s), diffusivity model coefficient dE (dE, J/mol), Setschenow salting out correction for solubility (K_salt, m^3/mol), time coordinate (t, seconds since release), solution state space (y, variable)