Dataset contains mooring ADCP current velocities, self-locating datum marker buoy (SLDMB) and iSphere surface drifter position and time, and waverider wave height, orientation, spectra, horizontal and vertical acceleration, zero-upcrossing period data collected in the Norwegian and Barents Sea from April to August 2012.
Suggested Citation:
Hole, Lars. 2014. Mooring ADCP, surface drifter, and wave rider data in the Norwegian and Barents Seas, April to August 2011. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7CJ8BGS
To develop a regional 3D Earth System Model that includes interfacial exchange processes between sediment, water, and atmosphere; biogeochemical processes, the transport of organisms, and the effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on all of these processes.
Data Parameters and Units:
ADCP_1MHz - a1, a2, a3, binsize, blankdist, datenum, depth, error, heading, pitch, pressure. roll. soundspeed, status, temp, u, ubar, v, vbar, w Surface Drifters - Asset Name,Modem Id,Date(GMT),LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,YEAR,DAY,HOUR,MIN,GPS_YEAR,GPS_DAY,GPS_HOUR,GPS_MIN,SST(Sea Surface Temperature - deg C),VBAT(Battery Voltage - Volts),FOM(Figure of Merit - unitless ,GPS_SN,TTFF(time to 1st fix) ,SBDTIME (Short Burst Data Time),Hex Data Wave Rider Data All the mat-files contain a time-vector with half-hour times through the whole period corresponding to the half-hour intervals used to calculate Hs etc. These are in the internal datenum-format of matlab7, to display use for instance datestr(datetimeWaverider). HsWAM10_Cruise.mat: Hs from WAM10 in entire grid (248x400x144-matrix). Corresponding time stored in vector. HsWAM4_Cruise.mat: Hs from WAM4 in entire grid (248x400x144-matrix). Corresponding time stored in vector. HsWAM10_AtBuoy_Cruise.mat: Hs interpolated from WAM10 at the point where the Waverider was deployed during Cruise. Hourly values from 08-Apr-2011 00:00:00 to 13-Apr-2011 23:00:00. Corresponting time in time-vector TImeTot. HsWAM4_AtBuoy_Cruise.mat: Hs interpolated from WAM4 at the point where the Waverider was deployed during Cruise. Hourly values from 08-Apr-2011 00:00:00 to 13-Apr-2011 23:00:00. Corresponting time in time-vector TImeTot. HsWaverider_Cruise.mat: Hs from half-hour intervals recorded by the Waverider during Cruise. The Corresponding times are stored in time-vector 'datetimeWaverider'. Orientation_Waverider.mat: Orientation from half-hour intervals recorded by the Waverider during Cruise. The Corresponding times are stored in time-vector 'datetimeWaverider'. T0_ZeroUpcrossing.mat: Zero-upcrossing period from half-hour intervals recorded by the Waverider during Cruise. The Corresponding times are stored in time-vector 'datetimeWaverider'. 1DWaveriderSpectra/ This catalog contains spectra (1-D) for each Logged file from the Waverider. Each .mat file contains a frequency vector and a parameter y, whos integrated value is the Power Spectral Density. Use f.ex. plot(freq,y) to display as in W@aves21 software (see example figure).