Suggested Citation:
Steven DiMarco. 2016. Shipboard ADCP, underway near surface meteorology and hydrography, G06 cruise, Deepwater Horizon oil spill region, June 25 to July 2 2014. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7Q23X9Z
Data Parameters and Units:
ADCP 75 kHz and ADCP 3000 kHz: ADCP_transmitter_frequency (kHz), scale_factor beam_angle (degrees), bin_length (meters), ADCP_angle_in_ship_axis (degrees), depth_bin1_middle (meters), num_ping_per_ensemble transducer_depth (meters), reference_time Date of reference julian day (YYYYMMDD hh:mm), Julian_day relative to reference time (Julian Day), date_time_UTC ASCII gregorian date and time UTC day (YYYYMMDD hh:mm), latitude (decimal degrees), longitude (decimal degrees), uvel_ship Eastward ship velocity (m/s), vvel_ship Northward ship velocity (m/s), depth (meters), temperature_ADCP ADCP transducer temperature (degrees Celsius), heading of ship (degrees), pitch of ship (degrees), roll of ship (degrees), u_bottom_track Bottom Track Eastward velocity (m/s), v_bottom_track Bottom Track Northward velocity (m/s), w_bottom_track Bottom Track Vertical velocity (m/s), bottom_range (meters), eastward_sea_water_velocity Eastward absolute ADCP current velocity (m/s), northward_sea_water_velocity Northward absolute ADCP current velocity (m/s), upward_sea_water_velocity Vertical absolute ADCP current velocity (m/s), sea_water_velocity_error absolute ADCP current velocity error (m/s), percentage_good_ADCP_4_beam_solution % of good data with 4 beams (percent), percentage_good_ADCP_3_beam_solution % of good data with 3 beams (percent), percentage_good_data_rejected_because_of_EW % of good data rejected because of EW (percent), percentage_good_ADCP_2_bad_beams % of data with 2 bad beams (percent), echo_intensity Mean echo Intensity (count), echo_intensity_beam1 Mean echo Intensity for beam 1 (count), echo_intensity_beam2 Mean echo Intensity for beam 2 (count), echo_intensity_beam3 Mean echo Intensity for beam 3 (count), echo_intensity_beam4 Mean echo Intensity for beam 4 (count), correlation for all beams (count), correlation_beam1 correlation for beam 1 (count), correlation_beam2 correlation for beam 2 (count), correlation_beam3 correlation for beam 3 (count), correlation_beam4 correlation for beam 4 (count), CAS_current_flag Flag on ADCP velocity (numeric), [0-9] ref_layer_Ilim Reference Layer Limit Index bathymetry along track (meters), SCS (Data are from the MIDAS system aboard the Pelican): column 0. TimeStamp (UTC), column 1. Trimble-Longitude West (decimal degrees), column 2. Trimble-Latitude North (decimal degrees), column 3. Temperature (degrees Celsius), column 4. Barometric-Pressure, (hPa), column 5. Fluorometer-micro-g-per-l-Value (micro-g/l), column 6. Transmissometer-%-Value (percent), column 7. Relative-Humidity (percent), column 8. TRUE-WIND-Direction (degrees), column 9. TRUE-WIND-Speed (Knots), column 10. Therm-Temperature (degrees Celsius), column 11. Therm-Salinity (PSU), column 12. Relative-WIND-Spd (Knots), column 13. Relative-WIND-Direction (degrees)