Current meter moorings with internally-recording instruments were deployed on cruise (G01) in July 2012. The moorings were recovered and redeployed in July 2013 and recovered in July 2014. During this cruise a CTD/Rosette samplers, two shipboard acoustic Doppler currents profilers (75Khz and 300Khz), and an underway continuous sampling system were operated. This data set include CTD data, NISKIN bottle samples (salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients).
Suggested Citation:
Steven DiMarco. 2016. Hydrographic and chemical measurements from the GISR: G06 Field Study and Mooring Deployment Cruise off the Mississippi River Delta in June-July 2014. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N70G3H5T
Data Parameters and Units:
GISR_G06_ACTUAL.txt Table of Station, Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Time (hh:mm), SQ# (sequence number), Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Bottom Depth (meters), netCDF filename (station.nc). netCDF files: # name 0 = prDM: Pressure, Digiquartz [db] # name 1 = t090C: Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] # name 2 = t190C: Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C] # name 3 = c0S/m: Conductivity [S/m] # name 4 = c1S/m: Conductivity, 2 [S/m] # name 5 = CStarAt0: Beam Attenuation, WET Labs C-Star [1/m] # name 6 = CStarTr0: Beam Transmission, WET Labs C-Star [%] # name 7 = spar: SPAR/Surface Irradiance # name 8 = flC: Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua 3 Chl Con [ug/l] # name 9 = wetCDOM: Fluorescence, WET Labs CDOM [mg/m^3] # name 10 = sbeox0V: Oxygen raw, SBE 43 [V] # name 11 = sbeox1V: Oxygen raw, SBE 43, 2 [V] # name 12 = sbeox0ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l] # name 13 = sbeox1ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 [ml/l] # name 14 = altM: Altimeter [m] # name 15 = depSM: Depth [salt water, m], lat = 28.496 # name 16 = sigma-È00: Density [sigma-theta, kg/m^3] # name 17 = sigma-È11: Density, 2 [sigma-theta, kg/m^3] # name 18 = potemp090C: Potential Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] # name 19 = potemp190C: Potential Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C] # name 20 = sal00: Salinity, Practical [PSU] # name 21 = sal11: Salinity, Practical, 2 [PSU] Nutrients: Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Silicate, Ammonia, Urea in micromoles/L and mg/L). Oxygen in mg/l, ml/l and mM/L.