Laboratory hydrocarbon analyses, expressed as Estimated Oil Equivalents, were performed on seawater samples collected from Niskin bottles samples collected at various depths in the Gulf of Mexico during four GISR cruises. GISR G01 05-11 July 2012, GISR G03 28-Nov to 19-Dec 2012, GISR G04 06-14 July 2013, and GISR G05 29-July to 27-Aug 2013. The associated CTD data are available in GRIIDC datasets G01: R1.x137.130-0006, G03 R1.x137.131:0003, G04 R1.x137.130:0009 and R1.x137.131:0010. The samples were analyzed for total scanning fluorescence (TSF) using a UV spectrofluorometer and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) using quantitative gas chromatography flame ionization detector.
Suggested Citation:
Wade, Terry. 2015. Petroleum Analyses of Seawater Samples, Mooring and Tracer Survey Cruises, Gulf of Mexico, 2012-2013.. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7JW8BVQ
Data Parameters and Units:
GISR Cruises of opportunity: G01 Mooring Deployment Cruise 0120705-20120711, G03 First Tracer Survey Cruise 20121128-20121219, G04 First Mooring Recovery Cruise 20130706-20130714, G05 Second Tracer Survey Cruise 20130729-20130827 Second Tracer Survey Cruise]-- GISR_G0#_ACTUAL.txt: Station Number, Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Time (hh:mm:ss), Sequence Number SQ#, Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Botz (sea floor depth), Niskin bottle filename . Units: Fluorescence Intensity (260 nm Ex/370nm Em), Estimated Oil Equivalents EOE (micro-grams/Liter).
* Reference for Estimated Oil Equivalents method. * Wade, T.L., Sweet S.T., Sericano, J.L., N.L. Guinasso Jr., Diercks, A.-R., * Highsmith, R.C., Asper, V.L., Joung, D., Shiller, A.M., Lohrenz, S.E. and * Joye, S.B. 2011, Analyses of Water Samples from the Deepwater Horizon Oil * Spill: Documentation of the Sub-Surface Plume. in Monitoring and Modeling * the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill : A Record-Breaking Enterprise, Geophysical * Monograph Series, vol. 195, edited by Y. Liu et al., pp. 77-82, AGU, * Washington, D. C., doi:10.1029/2011GM001103