Shelf Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS-Shelf) 2003-2011 Hindcast for the Texas-Louisiana Shelf.
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2.48 TB
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Gulf of Mexico Integrated Spill Response Consortium (GISR)
Robert D. Hetland
Texas A&M University / Department of Oceanography
High Performance Simulation, Shelf ROMS, Shelf Regional Ocean Modeling System, Texas-Louisiana shelf, Loop Current eddies, ocean circulation model
The model simulation spans the period from 1 February 2003 to 1 January 2012. The initial and open boundary conditions are obtained from the Gulf of Mexico Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (GOM-HYCOM) (http:\\ covering the entire GOM. This nesting gives a reasonable representation of Loop Current eddies in the model. Atmospheric forcing includes 3-hourly u- and v- components of wind speed, shortwave radiation, air temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, cloud and precipitation from the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) dataset, which is available at a spatial resolution of 32~km. Fresh water fluxes from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers are taken from daily values of Mississippi River transport at Tarbert Landing by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and river discharge from the other seven rivers (the Nueces, San Antonio, Lavaca, Brazos, Trinity, Sabine and Calcasieu Rivers) are obtained from the U.S.G.S Real-Time Water Data for the Nation. This model does not contain tides, since previous studies have shown that tides are generally weak on the Texas-Louisiana shelf and only make a small contribution to the sea surface elevation and coastal currents (DiMarco, S. F., and R. O. Reid (1998), Characterization of the principal tidal current constituents on the Texas-Louisiana shelf, J. Geophys. Res., 103(C2), 3093–3109, doi:10.1029/97JC03289).
Suggested Citation:
Hetland, Robert. 2013. Shelf Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS-Shelf) 2003-2011 Hindcast for the Texas-Louisiana Shelf.. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7VH5KSK
Models the dynamics of strong, energetic eddies near the shelf break near the seaward front of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya river plume.
Data Parameters and Units:
Akk_bak : background vertical mixing coefficient for turbulent energy, [m^2 s^-1] Akp_bak : background vertical mixing coefficient for length scale, [m^2 s^-1] Akt_bak : background vertical mixing coefficient for tracers, [m^2 s^-1] Akv_bak : background vertical mixing coefficient for momentum, [m^2 s^-1] Cs_r : S-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points Cs_w : S-coordinate stretching curves at W-points FSobs_in : free-surface inflow, nudging inverse time scale, [s^-1] FSobc_out : free-surface outflow, nudging inverse time scale, [s^-1] Falpha : Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter Fbeta : Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter Fgamma : Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter LtracerSrc : tracer point sources and sink activation switch M2nudg : 2D momentum nudging/relaxation inverse time scale, [day^-1] M2obc_in : 2D momentum inflow, nudging inverse time scale, [s^-1] M2obc_out : 2D momentum outflow, nudging inverse time scale, [s^-1] M3nudg : 3D momentum nudging/relaxation inverse time scale [day^-1] M3obc_in : 3D momentum inflow, nudging inverse time scale, [s^-1] M3obc_out : 3D momentum outflow, nudging inverse time scale, [s^-1] Tcline : S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width, [m] Tnudg : Tracers nudging/relaxation inverse time scale, [day^1] Tobc_in : tracers inflow, nudging inverse time scale, [s^1] Tobc_out : tracers outflow, nudging inverse time scale, [s^-1] Vstretching : vertical terrain-following stretching function Vtransform : vertical terrain-following transformation equation Znudg : free-surface nudging/relaxation inverse time scale, [day^-1] Zob : bottom roughness, [m] Zos : surface roughness, [m] angle : angle between XI-axis and EAST, [radians] bustr : bottom u-momentum stress, [m^2] bvstr : bottom v-momentum stress, [N m^-2] dstart : time stamp assigned to model initialization, [days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00] dt : size of long time-steps, [s] dtfast : size of short time-steps, [s] dye_01 : dye concentration, type 01, [kg m^-3] dye_02 : dye concentration, type 02, [kg m^-3] dye_03 : dye concentration, type 03, [kg m^-3] dye_04 : dye concentration, type 04, [kg m^-3] el : domain length in the ETA-direction, [m] f : Coriolis parameter at RHO-points, [s^-1] gamma2 : slipperiness parameter h : bathymetry at RHO-points, [m] hc : S-coordinate parameter, critical depth, [m] mask_psi : mask on PSI-points mask_rho : mask on RHO-points mask_u : mask on U-points mask_v : mask on V-points nHIS : number of time-steps between history records nRST : number of time-steps between restart records ndefHIS : number of time-steps between the creation of history files ndtfast : number of short time-steps nl_tnu2 : nonlinear model Laplacian mixing coefficient for tracers, [m^2 s^-1] nl_visc2 : nonlinear model Laplacian mixing coefficient for momentum, [m^2 s^-1] ntimes : number of long time-steps ocean_time : time since initialization, [seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00] pm : curvilinear coordinate metric in XI, [m^-1] pn : curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA, [m^-1] rdrg : linear drag coefficient, [s^-1] rdrg2 : quadratic drag coefficient rho0 : mean density used in Boussinesq approximation, [kg m^-3] s_rho : S-coordinate at RHO-points s_w : S-coordinate at W-points salt : salinity spherical : grid type logical switch sustr : surface u-momentum stress, [N m^-2] svstr : surface v-momentum stress, [N m^-2] temp : potential temperature, [deg-C] theta_b : S-coordinate bottom control parameter theta_s : S-coordinate surface control parameter u : u-momentum component, [m s^-1] ubar : vertically integrated u-momentum component, [m s^-1] v : v-momentum component, [m s^-1] vbar : vertically integrated v-momentum component, [m s^-1] x_psi : x-locations of PSI-points, [m] x_rho : x-locations of RHO-points, [m] x_u : x-locations of U-points, [m] x_v : x-locations of V-points, [m] xl : domain length in the XI-direction, [m] y_psi : y-locations of PSI-points, [m] y_rho : y-locations of RHO-points, [m] y_u : y-locations of U-points, [m] y_v : y-locations of V-points, [m] zeta : free-surface, [m]
The numerical model employed in this study is based on the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS). ROMS is a free-surface, terrain-following hydrodynamic and primitive equation ocean model widely used in regional oceanic studies. The model grid covers the entire Texas and Louisiana shelf and slope region, with a horizontal spacing of 500m near the coast and 1-2km over the outer slope. The model has 30 terrain-following layers irregularly spaced in the vertical direction, with a minimum water depth of 5m. The model boundaries are closed in the north and west with free slip conditions and open in the south and east. The horizontal discretization of momentum uses a third-order upwind advection scheme, and the vertical gradient is solved by conservative splines. The horizontal turbulence is calculated using a Laplacian scheme with eddy viscosity coefficient of 5m^2s^-1. The vertical turbulence closure is given by the Mellor-Yamada 2.5 scheme. Dye 1: Mississippi river water Dye 2: Atchafalaya river water Dye 3: Brazos river water Dye 4: Oxygen (with H&D benthic respiration parametrization)