South Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico (SABGOM) Model Simulations for April-October 2010 and January-June 2013
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1.96 TB
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Gulf of Mexico Integrated Spill Response Consortium (GISR)
Ruoying He
North Carolina State University / Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
High Performance Simulation, SABGOM
As part of the GISR Project, the regional-scale 3-D ocean circulation hindcast, nowcast and forecast system for the South Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico (SABGOM) was run for the 7 month period following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill using the best available forcing information. The output for the 2010 period was the project deliverable. However, additional SABGOM output was shared gratis with the community outside the scope of the GISR project and part of the output for 2013 is included in this dataset submission. Output for the period between these two periods may be available from Ruoying He.
Suggested Citation:
He, Ruoying. 2016. South Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico (SABGOM) Model Simulations for April-October 2010 and January-June 2013. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7DF6P96
The SABGOM model provides forcing for the LTRAN particle/plume tracking simulations and perform sensitivity experiments.
Data Parameters and Units:
The 2010 parameters include: grid type logical switch (spherical); basin length in the XI-direction (xl, meter); basin length in the ETA-direction (el, meter); angle between XI-axis and east (angle, radians); curvilinear coordinate metric in XI (pm, meter-1); curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA (pn, meter-1); XI-derivative of inverse metric factor pn (dndx, meter); ETA-derivative of inverse metric factor pm (dmde, meter); Coriolis parameter at RHO-points (f, second-1); working bathymetry at RHO-points (hraw, meter); model bathymetry at RHO-points (h, meter); X-location of RHO-points (x_rho, meter); Y-location of RHO-points (y_rho, meter); X-location of PSI-points (x_psi, meter); Y-location of PSI-points (y_psi, meter); X-location of u-points (x_u, meter); Y-location of u-points (y_u, meter); X-location of v-points (x_v, meter); Y-location of v-points (y_v, meter); longitude of RHO-points (lon_rho, degree_east); latitude of RHO-points (lat_rho, degree_north); longitude of PSI-points (lon_psi, degree_east); latitude of PSI-points (lat_psi, degree_north); longitude of U-points (lon_u, degree_east); latitude of U-points (lat_u, degree_north); longitude of V-points (lon_v, degree_east); latitude of V-points (lat_v, degree_north); mask on RHO-points (mask_rho, nondimensional); mask on PSI-points (mask-psi, nondimensional); mask on U-points (mask_u, nondimensional); mask on V-points (mask_v, nondimensional) The 2013 output contains: number of long time-steps (ntimes); number of short time-steps (ndtfast); size of long time-steps (dt, second); size of short time-steps (dtfast, second); time stamp assigned to model initilization (days since 1958-11-17 00:00:00); number of time-steps between history records (nHIS); number of time-steps between the creation of history files (ndefHIS); number of time-steps between restart records (nRST); starting time-step for accumulation of diagnostic fields (ntsDIA); number of time-steps between diagnostic records (nDIA); number of time-steps between the creation of diagnostic files (ndefDIA); number of time-steps between stations records (nSTA); Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter (Falpha, Fbeta, and Fgamma); nonlinear model laplacian mixing coefficient for tracers/momentum (nl_tnu2/nl_visc2, meter2 second-1); background verticle mixing coefficient (meter2 second-1); linear drag coefficient (rdrg, meter second-1); bottom/surface roughness (Zob/Zos, meter); free-surface nudging/relaxation inverse time scale (Znudg, day-1); 2D/3D momentum nudging/relaxation inverse time scale (M2nudg/M3nudg, day-1); tracers nudging/relaxation inverse time scale (Tnudg, day-1); free-surface inflow/outflow nudging inverse time scale (FSobc_in/FSobc_out, second-1); 2D momentum inflow/outflow nudging inverse time scale (M2obc_in/M2obc_out, second-1); tracers inflow/outflow nudging inverse time scale (Tobc_in/Tobc_out, second-1); 3D momentum inflow/outflow nudging inverse time scale (M3obc_in/M3obc_out, second-1); mean density used in Boussinesq approximation (rho0, kilogram meter-3); slipperiness parameter (gamma2); tracer point sources and simck activation switch (LtracerSrc); number of iterations to achieve convergence (Biolter); light attenuation by seawater (AttSW meter-1); light attenuation by chlorophyll (AttChl, meter-2 mililgram_Chl-1); photosynthetically available radiation fraction (PARfrac); Eppley temperature-limited growth parameters (Vp0); radiation threshold for nitrification (I_thNH4, watt meter-2); half-saturation radiation for nitrification (D_p5NH4, watt meter-2); nitrification (NitriR, day-1); inverse half-saturation for phytoplankton NO3 uptake (K_NO3, meter3 millimole_N-1); inverse half-saturation for phytoplankton NH4 uptake (K_NH4, meter3 millimole_N-1); zooplankton half-saturation constant for ingestion (K_Phy, day-1); maximum chlorophyll to carbon ratio (Chl2C_m, milligram_chl milligram_carbon-1); minimum chlorophyll threshold (ChlMin, milligram_chl meter-3); phytoplankton Carbon:Nitrogen ratio (PhyCN, mole_C mole_N-1); phytoplankton NH4 inhibition parameter (PhylP, millimole_N-1); phytoplankton initial slope P-1 curve (PhylS, milligram_C milligram_Chl-1 watt-1 meter2 day-1); minimum phytoplankton threshold (PhyMin, millimole_N meter-3); phytoplankton mortality rate (PhyMR, day-1); zooplankton mitrogen assimilation efficiency (ZooAE_N); rate for zooplankton basal metabolism (ZooBM, day-1); zooplankton Carbon:Nitrogen ratio (ZooCN, mole_C mole_N-1); zooplankton specific excretion rate (ZooER, day-1); zooplankton maximum growth rate (ZooGR, day-1); minimum zooplankton threshold (ZooMin, millimole_N meter-3); zooplankton mortality rate (ZooMR, day-1); rate of large detritus nitrogen re-mineralization (LDeRRN, day-1); rate of large detritus carbon re-mineralization (LDeRRC, day-1); coagulation rate (CoagR, day-1); remineralization rate for small detritus nitrogen (SDeRRN, day-1); remineralization rate for small detritus carbon (SDeRRC, day-1); vertical sinking velocity for phytoplankton (wPhy, meter day-1); vertical sinking velocity for large detritus (wLDet, meter day-1); vertical sinking velocity for small detritus (wSDet, meter day-1); partial pressure of CO2 in the air (pCO2 air, parts per million by volume); grid type logical switch (spherical); domain length in the XI-direction (Xl, meter); domain length in the ETA-direction (el, meter); vertical terrain-following transformation equation (Vtransform); vertical terrain-following stretching function (Vstretching); S-coordinate surface/bottom control parameter (theta_s/theta_b); s-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (Tcline, meter); s-coordinate parameter critical depth (hc, meter); s-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points (Cs_r); s-coordinate stretching curves at W-points (Cs_w); bathymetry at RHO points (h, meter); Coriolis parameter at RHO points (f, second-1); curvilinear coordinate metric in XI (pm, meter-1); curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA (pn, meter-1); longitude of RHO points (long_rho, degree_east); latitude of RHO points (lat_rho, degree_north); longitude of U-points (long_u, degree_east); latitude of U-points (lat_u, degree_north); longitude of V-points (lon_v, degree_east); latitude of V-points (lat_v, degree_north); longitude of PSI-points (lon_psi, degree_east); latitude of PSI points (lat_psi, degree_north); angle between XI-axis and East (angle, radians); mask on RHO points (mask_rho); mask of U-points (mask_u); mask of V-points (mask_v); mask on psi-points (mask_psi); free-surface (zeta, meter); vertically integrated u-momentum component (ubar, meter second-1); vertically integrated v-momentum component (vbar, meter second-1); u-momentum component (u, meter second-1); v-momentum component (v, meter second-1); vertical momentum component (w, meter second-1); potential temperature (temp, Celsius); salinity (salt, unitless); nitrate concentration (NO3, millimole_NO3 meter-3); ammonium concentration (NH4, millimole_NH4 meter-3); chlorophyll concentration (chlorophyll, milligrams_chlorophyll meter-3); phytoplankton concentration (phytoplankton, millimole_nitrogen meter-3); zooplankton concentration (zooplankton, millimole_nitrogen meter-3)
ROMS is three-dimensional, free-surface, terrain-following numerical model that solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations using the hydrostatic and Boussinesq assumptions. Its computational kernel utilizes consistent temporal averaging of the barotropic mode to guarantee both exact conservation and constancy preservation properties for tracers and more accurately resolves barotropic processes, while preventing aliasing of unresolved barotropic signals into the slow baroclinic motions. Barotropic pressure-gradient terms are redefined to reduce the pressure-gradient truncation errors, and vertical interpolation is performed using conservative parabolic splines.
Error Analysis:
Validation against observations is part of the SABGOM system.