ROMS-WRF: Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) coupled with the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model forecasts for the Gulf of Mexico for the period July-Sept 2012
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Cold Storage File Size:
6.52 TB
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Gulf of Mexico Integrated Spill Response Consortium (GISR)
Ping Chang
Texas A&M University / Department of Oceanography
ROMS, WRF, Climate Regional Coupled Model (CRCM), High Performance Simulation
TAMU Coupled Regional Climate Model (CRCM). This is a locally developed, high-resolution coupled regional model that includes NCAR's Weather Research and Forecast System (WRF) model for the atmosphere and the Rutgers/UCLA Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to describe the ocean. These two model components are coupled to exchange surface fluxes and state variables at the air-sea interface, in order to improve the accuracy of predictions.
Suggested Citation:
Chapman, Piers. 2016. ROMS-WRF: Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) coupled with the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model forecasts for the Gulf of Mexico for the period July-Sept 2012. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7B8566B
CRCM was used to generate accurate, real-time predictions of atmospheric and oceanic conditions in the Gulf of Mexico at a 3km resolution, as well as of passive diffusion pathways to support the GISR Deep-Release Experiment (July 30-Aug 9, 2012).
Data Parameters and Units:
AKs (meter2 second-1) = salinity vertical diffusion coefficient = AKt (meter2 second-1) = temperature vertical diffusion coefficient = AKv (meter2 second-1) = vertical viscosity coefficient = EminusP (meter second-1) = bulk_flux surface net freswater flux, (E-P) = dye_01 (kilogram meter-3) = dye concentration, type 01 = dye_02 (kilogram meter-3) = dye concentration, type 02 = evaporation (kilogram meter-2 second-1) = evaporation rate = f (second-1) = Coriolis parameter at RHO-points = h (meter) = bathymetry at RHO-points = latent (watt meter-2) = net latent heat flux = lwrad (watt meter-2) = net longwave radiation flux = mask_psi = mask on psi-points = mask_rho = mask on RHO-points = mask_u = mask on U-points = mask_v = mask on V-points = pm (meter-1) = curvilinear coordinate metric in XI = pn (meter-1) = curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA = rain (kilogram meter-2 second-1) = rain fall rate = rho (kilogram meter-3) = density anomaly = salt = salinity = sensible (watt meter-2) = net sensible heat flux = shflux (watt meter-2) = surface net heat flux = ssflux (meter second-1) = surface net salt flux, (E-P)*SALT = sustr (newton meter-2) = surface u-momentum stress = svstr (newton meter-2) = surface v-momentum stress = swrad (watt meter-2) = solar shortwave radiation flux = temp (Celsius) = potential temperature = u (meter second-1) = u-momentum component = ubar (meter second-1) = vertically integrated u-momentum component = v (meter second-1) = v-momentum component = vbar (meter second-1) = vertically integrated v-momentum component = w (meter second-1) = vertical momentum component = zeta (meter) = free-surface = ACGRDFLX = ACCUMULATED GROUND HEAT FLUX ACHFX = ACCUMULATED UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE ACLHF = ACCUMULATED UPWARD LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE ACLWDNB = ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM ACLWDNBC = ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM ACLWDNT = ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP ACLWDNTC = ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP ACLWUPB = ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM ACLWUPBC = ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM ACLWUPT = ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP ACLWUPTC = ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP ALBBCK = BACKGROUND ALBEDO ALBEDO = ALBEDO CANWAT = CANOPY WATER CLAT = COMPUTATIONAL GRID LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE COSALPHA = Local cosine of map rotation E = Coriolis cosine latitude term F = Coriolis sine latitude term GRAUPELNC = ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE GRAUPEL GRDFLX = GROUND HEAT FLUX HAILNC = ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE HAIL HGT = Terrain Height ISLTYP = DOMINANT SOIL CATEGORY IVGTYP = DOMINANT VEGETATION CATEGORY I_ACLWDNB = BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM I_ACLWDNBC = BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM I_ACLWDNT = BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP I_ACLWDNTC = BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP I_ACLWUPB = BUCKET FOR UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM I_ACLWUPBC = BUCKET FOR UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM I_ACLWUPT = BUCKET FOR UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP I_ACLWUPTC = BUCKET FOR UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP LAI = Leaf area index LANDMASK = LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 0 FOR WATER) LAP_HGT = Laplacian of orography LU_INDEX = LAND USE CATEGORY LWDNB = INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM LWDNBC = INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM LWDNT = INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP LWDNTC = INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP LWUPB = INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM LWUPBC = INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM LWUPT = INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP LWUPTC = INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP MAPFAC_M = Map scale factor on mass grid MAPFAC_MX = Map scale factor on mass grid, x direction MAPFAC_MY = Map scale factor on mass grid, y direction MAPFAC_U = Map scale factor on u-grid MAPFAC_UX = Map scale factor on u-grid, x direction MAPFAC_UY = Map scale factor on u-grid, y direction MAPFAC_V = Map scale factor on v-grid MAPFAC_VX = Map scale factor on v-grid, x direction MAPFAC_VY = Map scale factor on v-grid, y direction MF_VX_INV = Inverse map scale factor on v-grid, x direction MU = perturbation dry air mass in column MUB = base state dry air mass in column NEST_POS = - NOAHRES = RESIDUAL OF THE NOAH SURFACE ENERGY BUDGET OLR = TOA OUTGOING LONG WAVE RAINSH = ACCUMULATED SHALLOW CUMULUS PRECIPITATION SEAICE = SEA ICE FLAG SFROFF = SURFACE RUNOFF SHDMAX = ANNUAL MAX VEG FRACTION SHDMIN = ANNUAL MIN VEG FRACTION SINALPHA = Local sine of map rotation SNOALB = ANNUAL MAX SNOW ALBEDO IN FRACTION SNOW = SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT SNOWC = FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER) SNOWH = PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH SNOWNC = ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE SNOW AND ICE SR = fraction of frozen precipitation SST = SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE SSTSK = SKIN SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE SWDOWN = DOWNWARD SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE SWNORM = NORMAL SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE (SLOPE-DEPENDENT) TH2 = POT TEMP at 2 M TMN = SOIL TEMPERATURE AT LOWER BOUNDARY TSK = SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE U10 = U at 10 M UDROFF = UNDERGROUND RUNOFF V10 = V at 10 M VAR_SSO = variance of subgrid-scale orography VEGFRA = VEGETATION FRACTION XICEM = SEA ICE FLAG (PREVIOUS STEP) XLAND = LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 2 FOR WATER) XLAT = LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE XLAT_U = LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE XLAT_V = LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE XLONG = LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE XLONG_U = LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE XLONG_V = LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE SH2O = SOIL LIQUID WATER SMCREL = RELATIVE SOIL MOISTURE SMOIS = SOIL MOISTURE TSLB = SOIL TEMPERATURE CLDFRA = CLOUD FRACTION P = perturbation pressure PB = BASE STATE PRESSURE P_HYD = hydrostatic pressure QCLOUD = Cloud water mixing ratio QGRAUP = Graupel mixing ratio QICE = Ice mixing ratio QRAIN = Rain water mixing ratio QSNOW = Snow mixing ratio QVAPOR = Water vapor mixing ratio T = perturbation potential temperature (theta-t0) U = x-wind component V = y-wind component PH = perturbation geopotential PHB = base-state geopotential W = z-wind component ROMS f = Coriolis parameter at RHO-points h = bathymetry at RHO-points mask_psi = mask on psi-points mask_rho = mask on RHO-points mask_u = mask on U-points mask_v = mask on V-points pm = curvilinear coordinate metric in XI pn = curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA EminusP = bulk_flux surface net freswater flux, (E-P) evaporation = evaporation rate latent = net latent heat flux lwrad = net longwave radiation flux rain = rain fall rate sensible = net sensible heat flux shflux = surface net heat flux ssflux = surface net salt flux, (E-P)*SALT sustr = surface u-momentum stress svstr = surface v-momentum stress swrad = solar shortwave radiation flux ubar = vertically integrated u-momentum component vbar = vertically integrated v-momentum component zeta = free-surface dye_01 = dye concentration, type 01 rho = density anomaly salt = salinity temp = potential temperature u = u-momentum component v = v-momentum component AKs = salinity vertical diffusion coefficient AKt = temperature vertical diffusion coefficient AKv = vertical viscosity coefficient w = vertical momentum component
Forecast were run on Texas A&M University's flagship high-performance computing system (Eos), thanks to support from the Texas A&M Supercomputing Facility.
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