Suggested Citation:
Wetzel, Dana. 2016. Plasma vitellogenin levels of collected fish species, DeSoto Canyon, August 16-29, 2013. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N71C1TWG
Data Parameters and Units:
Plate (ID), Assay (ID), Curve Fit Type [linear regression, R-squared], Well Positions (ID), Sample (ID), Raw Data, Curve Fit, Final Results, Sample (ID), Sex (M,F), Species (common name) [Red Snapper, Golden tilefish], Vitellogenin Concentration Rep 1 to Rep 3 (ng/mL), Vitellogenin Concentration Average (ng/mL), Vitellogenin Concentration Standard Deviation, Vitellogenin Concentration % CV coefficient variation of absorbance (%). The following is a list of stations where samples in the dataset were collected from (Station ID, Westbound Extent, Northbound Extent, Southbound Extent, Eastbound Extent): WB-SL10-40, -88.52829, 29.12272, 29.08907, -88.52213; WB-HE-265, -90.30623, 28.23532, 28.22594, -90.28127; WB-SL16-150, -90.00278, 28.3727, 28.3387, -89.3387; WB-SL12-100, -89.35517, 28.3347, 28.32427, -89.33911; WB-SL11-150, -88.37047, 29.03165, 29.02626, -88.3441; WB-SL5-100, -85.26157, 28.3284, 28.32743, -85.22738; WB-SL4-40, -84.25941, 28.07729, 28.05337, -84.24252; The dataset file titled " Vitellogen 2013 Sample Locations" contains information about where each sample in the dataset was collected from and is organized by Plate ID. The following is a description of each field in the file: Fish Sample ID (unique identifier that corresponds to the Sample ID fields in the other dataset files), Station ID (station where sample was collected), Westbound Extent (western bounding extent of station (DD)), Northbound Extent (northern bounding extent of station (DD)), Southbound Extent (southern bounding extent of station (DD)), Eastbound Extent (eastern bounding extent of station (DD)), Center Point Lat (latitudinal center point of station bounding extent(DD)), Center Point Lon (longitudinal center point of station bounding extent (DD)).